Friday, November 2, 2007

Halloween/Hobo Day

These are a few pictures from the halloween event that Boneshaker bike collective put on. Overall I think it was a success and we had a pretty decent turnout. Started off with a bare rim race which I lost by a longshot. Then a game of footdown, followed by tall bike jousting or a bunny hop contest or something, I cant remember. I really want to thank everyone that came out, and I hope you all come out to the next event we have, which hopefully will be even better than this one. I also have quite a few patches left over from the event, so if you would still like one and didn't get one hit me up. They look like this....

Last night Thomas and I rode down to the tracks and made a hobo dinner on a campfire. Its amazing how good it feels to go out and do something creative with your time rather than sit around in front of the tv all night. Something about going out one night and cooking a simple dinner on a campfire and eating with with a friend just feels really good. It makes you realize that all the lies were fed about needing expensive stuff just to have fun, or relax are incredibly off base. After all, how can you relax in your new lazy boy if you are still worried about how you are going to pay for it?

It also made me think about the fact that most of us are fortunate enough to be able to take these things for granted. It's easy to think your life is a wreck, but when you think about how good we have it, it's pretty easy to see things aren't that bad. That is not to say that we are not entitled to feel overwhelmed, especially considering I've felt overwhelmed 90% of my life, but that when we do feel like life is crashing around us we should try to step back and realize just how lucky we are to have some of the shit we have. This is a funny thing for me to say as anyone who knows me knows I am a cynic, but I guess there is still truth in it.

So what do bikes have to do with that crap? When most of us are on our bikes we feel a intimate connection with the world. Either weaving through cars or just riding down the sidewalk, we create an enviroment that is our own, and if only for that one ride is subject to our whims. We are taking our lifes into our own hands and creating an enviroment outside of the structure of buying to be happy. Or maybe Im just full of shit, you be the judge.

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