Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I can't help but feel like everytime I begin to think summer is on it's way, and get really excited about wearing shorts, going camping, sitting around fires, swimming, etc, nature find some way to shit us. I guess at the same time it does seem kind of warented that nature be pissed off and keep thworing more crappy weather our way. After all we've gotten the better of nature for a long time, I'm kind of suprised the planet doesn't just spontaneously combust as some sort of cosmic punishment for people generally being ignorant pricks in the ways that we have "taken care" of the planet over the last century.

Friday was critical mass. The turnout was strong, and everyone seemed to be in a really positive mood (which I attribute to the almighty ABBA) We took the usual route and got hasseled by the cops twice, cut off a few times, honked at alot, so it was a pretty typical ride. It's really cool to be able to go out and ridearound for an hour or so with a group of friends and have complete control over your lane. It's kind of sad however that even with 30 some bikers on the road we are all suceptible to being run down by some car having a bad day. It's really kind of sick how offended some people and police get by a bunch of people riding their bikes in the road, especially considering it is entirely legal. I really think one of these days we should look at organizing a regional critical mass drawing in cyclists from menomnie/Chippewa/and all the surrounding cities. I can only imagine what it would look like seeing 60+ bikers going down Water St. Anyway critical mass was really fun on Friday and if you want to learn more about Critical mass check out the film "still we ride" which is showing at the ECBFF or read more at wikipedia.

Also magyar has more pictures from friday on his site. http://www.sheba.110mb.com/blog.html

After the mass split a few of us rode to the parking garage and sat around for a while untill we went our different ways. Later Friday night I went to Ska fest, which was kind of a disapointment because I didn't end up making any money. I guess kids nowadays just don't listen to the music they used to. I overheard one person eyeing up a bad brains cd say "I've heard of these guys but I don't know who they are" There goes my faith in humanity. Saturday I went to Cornell to visit my dad and begin work on my touring tall bike. It was pretty uneventful, but made me realiza once again how bad I am at welding. I changed the design for the bike from being an extended bottom frame like on the triple tall, to a simple design with a front rack welded to the frame. That will be where most my weight is put and should keep the bike relativley balanced. My dad also gave me a pair of incredible leather saddle bags meant for a motorcycle. I don't know if I'll use them, but they even have tassles for christ sake!

Dead tall bike
Now I'm just waiting to throw some decent tires on that bike and gear it up. From there it's just amatter of riding the thing every day untill my tour to ensure that it will saty in one piece and I can get used to it. Every day for the past week I've been looking at my tour map and getting more excited about it. It's scary to think about leaving for a month or more with nothing more than your bike, and what you can carry, but at the same time I'm really excited to do it.
In other news I might be doing an interview for the radio show "Local Independence" this Sunday, so listen out for it.
Other bike related news there is a BMX event going on Sat. June 15th in Rice Lake, more info
Grinders Bike Jam
Sat. June 15th
RiceLake Skate Park
Bands Playing Afterwards
More info to come or contact shaidecody@yahoo.com for more info.

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