Thursday, January 3, 2008

West of here

I haven't been near a computer since my last post. I've been a busy bee, and have been in Minneapolis the past few days. So where do I start? I don't know. I feel like I've been all over the place the past week or so, but I can't even really place what I've been doing. I can look through the pictures I have for clues, but it doesn't seem to help me place anything before the past 4 days. I guess it's not of much consequence what happened anyway, but it's helpful for me to keep track. It's been a pretty hectic week with alot of people moving around and leaving and traveling and biking in new places. All good things, but it's good to be back. Hmmmm, well as I recall one of these days Sam and Thomas cam over looking for a place to drink. We all hung out and eventually another girl came over. Later Sam and the other girl took off and Anna and Katie came over. By this point we ran out of stuff so we all rode our bikes to bottle and barrel and Thomas acquired a $27 bottle of vodka, gross. Long story short we all hung out until 4 in the morning and we all went to bed.

I have no idea.

The next day I'm pretty sure we all got up around noon. I don't know what we did or what day it was. So I will skip to New Years eve. New Years I rode my bike around town not realizing that everything was closed. I never understood New Years, or liked it much for that matter. Everything closes and people hold their breath for midnight to come. It seems like the human race has come to a point where the fact that against all odds we haven't destroyed ourselves for another year is worth celebration. I guess this is a kind of negative way to look at it, and you could argue that new years is representative of a new chance to improve on our lives. But I've always felt like New Years is just kind of silly. The apprehension of a new year coming, and the question of "what will a new year bring?" seem kind of pessimistic. We are all surprised we lived through the last one and afraid(excited?) of what might happen next. Anyway New Years I went for a ride and everything was eerily empty. The campus was empty and fresh snow covered all the old tracks making the place look like a ghost town. Doors were locked, and lights were off all over downtown. That night not alot happened. Thomas, Anna, and I went for a walk around town debating the reasons we should celebrate a new year, and laughing at staggering drunks. At midnight we threw my old mountain bike off the bridge and went home.
I left early new years day for Minneapolis. I was going to visit a few friends across the cities for a few days to try to get my head off of things around EC. The first day i went to my friend Dustin's house in St. Paul. We chilled out and caught up on stuff for a while. When the tv got old we decided to go to one of my least favorite places on earth, the mall of America. No offence to Dustin, but I'm not a big fan of that place for many reasons. Mostly I have a hard time being around that many people indoors without having an anxiety attack. I've always been a very shy quite person, and being in large groups has always made me feel very uneasy. Even being in small groups around new people makes me uneasy. When I was a kid I made my sisters buy my candy bars and stuff at the store because I was to afraid to talk to the cashier. Until I was 16 I would run and hide whenever the ups man came to our house. Luckily for me all of the stores in the mall had closed at 6pm and the place was nearly empty. It was kind of neat to walk around such a huge place with no people around. The environment is kind of haunting. We walked around and stole quarters out of the fountains to buy candy at the gumball machines. To the people I took their quarters from, sorry paying more money doesn't mean your wish is more likely to come true. It just means someone is more likely to take your quarters for bus fair.

Messenger bag made of old garbage bags melted together.

The next day Dustin and I hung out and went to Cheapo where I bought $50 worth of cds and records. I splurged a bit, but it was well worth it. Afterwards we went to the grocery store and got some lunch. I took off to go visit my friend Justin who was just moving in to a place off of Portland in Minneapolis. He showed me his super cool messenger bag he made out of garbage bags ironed together and we went for a bike ride downtown. We must have been on our bike for hours exploring the city, cruising around in the cold until we stopped to warm up a bit. It was a cold cold night. You can tell when it's really cold out when you breathe out your breathe doesn't just float away. It lingers in the air like it's frozen in place. When this happened when I was younger I was always worried if I went through it it would freeze me. Anyway it was a really pretty ride with lots of lights and tall buildings and steam lingering in the air barely moving. I really like going to new places and riding bikes. You get to see so much more, and you can actually talk to people.

Later that night we met up with another couple old friends Tom and Hallie from when we all used to go to school at River Falls. We sat around at Hallies for a while and eventually went to some budget theatre in Minitonka and watched Across the Universe. We all had a pretty good time and eventually Justin and I made it back to his place around 1. This morning I woke up and took of downtown. I stopped in at the Scallywags bike shop, but it was closed so I went to Seward and walked around. Afterwards I went over to hard times and got a seitan-Philly sandwich and a cup of coffee, one of the best breakfasts I've had in a while. On the way back to my car I stopped in at the freewheel and looked around for a while, and eventually headed back to Dustin's. We chilled out at his house, and eventually I took off back for Eau Claire. I got back here a couple hours ago and now I'm in the library typing this. I probably missed a few days worth of events, and lots of stuff which I will feel bad for forgetting later, but that's nothing new.

I've been doing a lot of thinking recently about a lot of heavy stuff like what i want to do with my life, where I want to go and live some day, growing up and what it means and how it changes us all. All those existential questions that people have been thinking about for hundreds of years. My only conclusion is that as much as I despise the new year I have developed horrendous list of new years resolutions. I know all the "experts" argue to pick only one resolution and stick to it, but I think I'd rather have a list of things I want to do next year and knock out as many of them as I can. I think as I get older I grow more attached to the idea of resolutions. The more things you see the more you think about how you could change your life to be more like the person you want to be I guess. Not to mention the fact that I think it takes at least 18 years to figure out who it is you want to be anyway. I remember reading essays I wrote in Jr. high about what I want to be when I grow up. Of course the lists were really cool jobs like a pyrotechnician and explosives expert. The first thing I always looked at in those career books they gave you was a cool name, followed by a huge wage. Now I'm to the point in my life where I don't even know what I've been doing the past few months of my life, let alone my plans for the future.
Anyway, that's just more of that heavy stuff no one wants to hear about. If your interested in how to make a cool messenger bag like the one Justin made here's a youtube link for the project, and a few links of what my soundtrack has been the past week.

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