Friday, January 4, 2008

Moving in place

As predicted I forgot to mention a few important things. Specifically people moving. Dan and thomas both left this week. Dan is in hawaii for the next couple months and THomas went to nashville via chicago. I know that they are both coming back eventually, but I can't help but wonder what this town would be like if more people stayed around. It seems like most people have criticism but never work on doing anything but moving away. Note that this isn't an attack on Dan or Thomas because I knwo niether of them are just running away. Then who am I to talk. I left my homeotwn because I hated it and to this day I feel like nothing of worth will ever happen there. Are some places just less sucptable to change than others? Or are the people in them just comfortable. We all live places we find comfortable I guess. Some towns are to big or small or fast or slow and we feel like we cant stay in them for long. Then some people just like to be on the move all the time. I used to think I was one of those people who needed to move around alot. There are alot of romantic qualities to the life of a vagabond that I think alot of us look up too. Now I realize that as much as I enjoy traveling and moving around I hate alot of it and when I'm gone I can't help but wish I had some place certain to stay. I guess thats another crossroads I am at in my life right now. Is it better to be on the move and see more things, or try to put down roots and try to build a community right where you are. I guess this question is further exacerbated by the fact that Eau Claire is a college town and alot of people I meet are gone during the summer and winterm. I guess it's one of those things where as soon as your done with high school you are expected to leave that town. When you are done with college you are expected to leave the place you went to college. Then what? Settle down or move around some more? Do we just move untill we find something comfortable and settle down or do we stay somewhere where we see alot of peotnetial and try to build a community there.

Anyway thats just more stuff I've been thinking about. Like I've said before I think at some point we all struggle with the places we live, and the places we call our homes. I guess some people are lucky enough to never really think about these things, but they probobly don't live in Eau Claire either.

There isnt a whole lot else going on around here. I havn't done much, but I think I am going to visit my grandma today. Other than that I've been looking at the etsy and instructables web pages alot looking for inspiration on projects. They are really cool check em out if your feeling crafty

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