Monday, December 3, 2007


It snowed, alot. This Saterday morning I woke up at about quarter to ten, ate some breakfast, drank some coffe, and looked out the window to see some snow. I went out and rode around for an hour or so when I realized that it wasn't going to stop snowing anytime soon, and got my ass inside to see how much would fall. By the time I went to work three inches was on the roads. By the time I got off it had turned to ice. Yesterday we went out for a ride in the morning and did stupid kid stuff like running into snow banks, and trying to go over snow piles. I officially hate my winter bike, and I have no idea why I thought I would enjoy riding a mountain bike, I can't stand mountain bikes. Soooo slooooow.

Free mountain bike up for grabs.
As of 8 this mornign the bike trails, and foot bridges are not shoveled or plowed, about 50% of sidewalks are plowed, and there are still pretty big piles of snow on the side of the road. So be carefull, it's not very bike friendly weather right now. I'm thinking a sledding party or something is in order. Unfortunetly I'm busy busy with school and work and other stuff. I will hopefully make a post in a while about smart winter biking. biking all winter is really fun and rewarding, but it can also be some risky buisness, so I'll try to give some pointers. For now just stay warm.

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