Thursday, December 13, 2007

We're not those kids

If your looking for some cool bike stuff and all kinds of exciting stuff goign on around town stop reading now. if you want to know what's going on with me keep reading. I just figured I would save you some time. I've been busy just like you, and just like everyone else this time of year. It's funny to see people transform in December. Mild mannered grandmas start throwing elbows at the grocery store and college kids start ingesting copious amounts of caffine living on nerves. It seems like you can't walk down the street without some sort of person being in trouble. Cars are crashing through storefronts, and half the country lost power. No wonder it's so hard to try to relax. I've been talking to lot's of friends who have decided to move. It's sad to see friends move away. Especially friends that only moved a little way away that decided that they are still to close to the places they used to call home, and they move even further. I did a bunch of Christmas shopping and payed some bills, so now I'm broke. I got a gift certificate in the mail yesterday though, so I went to my place of employ, and bought some groceries. Last night I tried to replicate the bean burritos they serve at Cancun to no avail, which is a real bummer because I am craving them badly. I got a letter in the mail the other day from an old friend in jail, and am palnning on sending a bunch of books out for a x-mas present.

Thats pretty much "the haps" of whats going on right now. No pictures, I know it sucks, but we must all make sacrifices in times of turmoil. There still isn't enough bikers, and there is still too many drivers. I've been working on another bike, and am thinking of some other projects I can do now that I have a welder. Just no time. 6 days till break.

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