Thursday, May 29, 2008

St. Marys/Living with the dead

I rode from Fall Creek to Niellsville. The ride was pretty smooth other than the abundance of logging trucks and semis blowing by every three minites. By the time I got to Niellsville I was dead tired, and unfotunetly that city is built on a hill. I rode around for a while untill I found a Church with a huge yard and a cemetary in back. I figured it would be no big deal to pitch a tent so I went in and asked them and they were nice enough to let me. I set up on the fringe of the graveyard, dumped my gear and set out to find some food/company. The town was pretty dead, but I managed to score a free meal at a place downtown, and eventually ran into some skateboarder kids who I talked to for a while. It's really wierd being out this time of year, because you forget that some kids are still in school. I guess you forget what it was like to be that age at all. It was only 5 years ago, but alot changes in that much time. It was a cold night, and I didnt sleep the best which I attribute to ghosts, but I got up at around 7 and picked up camp. I rode to a near by park, filled up my water bottles and hit the road. Looking at my atlas the night before I realized how unrealistic I had been, and that there was no way I was going to cover as much ground as I said I would as quickly as originally desired. That said I re-routed my trip into Marshfield for day2. The ride on H was pretty intense. I'm realizing what touring is all about, HILLS. You go up then down then up then down then up then up then up then up then down. About 10 miles outside or marshfield I saw a yard with hundreds of bikes in it and pulle dover to check it out. Apparently this guy has over 2500 bikes, nad sells them off to people. My writing doesn't do it justice, so I took bunches of pictures. But suffice it to say there were about 20 of any bike you have ever heard of or could want. Some were so badly rusted that the sprocket was paper thin and broke when I flicked it. H to marshfield was also lined with roadkill every 1/4 mile. Have you every seen the remains of a cow that was hit by a truck? I have, and it's not pretty. I made it to Marshfield pretty quick and started looking aroudn for food. I stopped in at a small restraunt and got hooked up with some pancakes and sausage. This is the first time I've eaten meat in over 4 years, it's sad because I really dont like it that much, but In know it is important to eat properly while touring so I went ahead and ate it anyway. I've decided that I won't buy meat while out, but if it is given to me I will eat it. I rode around for a while and dropped of my gear at Craigs place. Got back on my bike and rode for a little while longer found a library and here I am. I'm pretty tired, but I'm having fun, and learning alot. Some people are totally floored by my bike others could care less. It's kind of wierd. Anyway, thats all for now. Tomorrow Stevens Point, after that Im not sure. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

/Life2Death/ said...

You really should have found someone with a GPS to barrow - it would have rocked to get a waypoint of where that guy's house is. I'm sure he wouldnt have minded a few people showing up! :)

Also I'm glad that you're apperently blogging your journey...somehow. I was hoping this would be so!

I never got around from being lazy to actually respond to your sole email.