Friday, May 16, 2008

In a world of ghosts

Last night was the last Thursday night ride of this semester. That means no more college kids for a few months, CUTTERS GO! We decided to go for a ride out to big falls because Andy has never been. As usual on a sunny day we just stood around lazy for a while before taking off. Rode up to Gordys for some beverages, and saw this awesome razor locked up. Rode for an eternity on the trails and backroads out to Big falls. I couldnt help but think about the fact that in 2 weeks I will be doing that all day every day for a month. I'm excited buit intimidated knowing the amount of shit I'm going to go through. Once again more stres on me about getting my bike done in 2 weeks. But I digress.

We got to Big falls and walked around on the rocks before setting up and sitting down. We all sat around drinking and having a good time, preparing for someone to fall into the river in an epic "after school special" manner. I wandered around for a while. We all headed back out and told ghost stories while we walked back to the road. Chris and I invented bikes that you can just put into your pocket.

Rode back went to burrachoes and split a burrito with Cayla. Went to the joynt, it was kind of lame so we took off and went our different ways. I rode aroudn with Scott for a while and he crashed his bike into a curb. Rode for a little longer and headed home to go to bed earlier than I have in over a week. Sleep felt good. I work today but only have 4 days left untill I am jobless, schoolless, and get to ride my bike all day in preperation for my trip. Excitement. It's sad that I am almost going to miss my job. As mindless as it was it payed good. Enough of that though, this is no time to regret leaving work to ride my bike around WI for a summer.
I almost forgot to mention that the other day I got a bike jacked. It was a black Schwinn Racer left on campus. It has the original schwinn seat, and a junky mirror on the handlebars. 3 speed hub with a trigger shift on the bars, and a rear fender. If you see it around kill the person riding it and return it to it's proper owner, me. Other news, Volume one put up their video of the alleycat. Its alto longer than I thought it would be and is pretty good, it can be seen here. I am working on putting a calendar up on this page, I just need to tweak it a little, but that's proving to be more difficult than I thought. I really dont have much to say, and I need to gert to the city library so thats a wrap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a great ride! I hope your trip is transcendental and epic but I also hope you come back to enlighten the rest of us. It would be very sad to never see you again.