Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Anticlimactic goodbyes

I'm in a mad scramble to get the first 10 days of my trip organized. I figure after that amount of time I should know what works and what doesn't, but figuring them out is difficult enough. I also found out the ferry to MI is like $60 so it looks like I'm not going to be taking that to MI, plans change and Canada looks more and more like a viable destination. Last night I saw an absolutly incredible show. Kepi from the groovie ghoulies, who I have loved since I was like 15, and finally got the chance to talk to him. It's awesome to meet someone who you really look up to and find out that they are just as cool and down to earth as you had hoped, and has been to Eau Claire and talks about the Norske Nook during their set. Andrew Jackson Jihad was there and blew me away, listen to them here and here, its really good folk punk type stuff. Lemuria who I am constantly singing praise of was there and once again were incredible. The queers were old and awesome, and the other band there kind of sucked, but that didnt matter much in the grand scheme of things. Afterwards we went to a really lame "party" where everyone seemed really standoff-ish and we took off back to WI. Now its time for me to get the rest of my shit together and say some goodbyes, and eat spaghetti! Wish me luck, and I will see you all when I get back, and hopefully post some when I'm on the road. Goodbye everyone and take care of yourselves.

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