Friday, January 22, 2010

Japanish 2

So as far as nice bikes go it really depends where you are if you will see them or not. I feel like there were lots of roadies in most places, and lots of messengers in Tokyo, but in general the cool track and road bikes were usually reserved for cool neighborhoods. I didn't get any pictures, but I think the Japanese have a major hard on for Surly as well, because I saw a lot of them.

I feel like I should mention that it doesn't seem like the Japanese fuck around when they make their bikes nice. I think that Schwinn was probably the rattiest bike I saw, and usually even the most rediculous ugly bikes you saw still had carbon fiber so-and-so's, leather seats, aluminum things and neon colors galore. I wish I would have gotten more pictures of the old lugged steel frames and bikes I saw, but I didn't so too bad. Also I lied, that is in fact a Surly big dummy in the above picture.

1 comment:

DP said...

Sorry. That's just an Xtracycle freeradical, NOT a big dummy.