Friday, January 22, 2010

Japanish 1

So here's the deal. Bikes are freaking everywhere in Japan. But unlike those snooty Danes the Japanese seem to think very little of the incredible amount of bikes everywhere you turn. Which is cool is some ways, but leaves a little to be desired in others. Most of the people ride very utilitarian bikes with baskets, kid seats, umbrella holders, step through frames, fenders, and the like.

Kind of like these.

There are also tons of small folding bikes and bikes with really rediculous frame geometry, like these.

You probably noticed the motor assist on that one bike. They are super popular, but I never really knew if people actually used them or if they worked. How come none of these bikes are locked up you ask? Answer: they are. They have these little integrated bike locks that go where your rear brake hole is. And if you don't want to do that, you could always park it at a parking garage.

Another weird thing is that lots of American auto companies make bikes in Japan. The Chevy bikes seemed pretty popular.

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