Thursday, November 1, 2012

the kids the kids the kids

There was a recent article on Slate about cyclists riding with headphones in and why it's completely idiotic, and I couldn't agree more.  I can come off as sort of a burned up old crank when it comes to a lot of things, key among them is "the kids" and what kind of antics they are up too. Living in a college town and working in very close proximity to a college campus I see these whippersnappers with oversized headphones bobbing their heads to Pumped up kicks" or whatever dribble they listen to these days on their fixed wheelie bikes and their roller boots as they careen through groups of pedestrians across a busy street on their way to the quad to play hacky sack or whatever on a daily basis.  Now don't get me wrong, I love music.  And I love bikes.  But I also think when you put in your ear buds and crank up your skrillex and you are begging for trouble.  The article touches upon most of my major gripes so I'm not going to sit here and reiterate a bunch of stuff that someone got paid to say much more eloquently than I ever could so read it and weep.  Then take those stupid ear buds out and pay attention.

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