Sunday, November 18, 2012


 After being incapacitated by a stupid head cold all week I finally felt good enough to emerge from total seclusion this week and actually get out of the house. I've done nothing all week except bike to and from work, so by the time Friday night rolled around and I felt good enough to actually enjoy riding I milked every trip and after catching a show I took my time on the long route home.  Then after sleeping in absurdly late on Saturday I headed out to the New Glarus Tunnel.

 While I don't generally like trail riding because I think it's usually super flat and boring the trail out to NG is actually a lot of fun, especially yesterday with the majority of the ride being wet gravel.

Got to the tunnel, ate a granola bar, chilled for a minute and then a gaggle of loud teenagers smoking cigarettes and drinking cheap beer that they probably stole from their parents fridges showed up and kind of harshed my mellow so I headed back home with the sun at my back and a tailwind the whole way.  
I love riding my bike.

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