Thursday, October 25, 2012


I'm sure I've mentioned this before.  Actually I know I've mentioned it before many times, but one more won't kill you.  I hate Halloween. I'm not trying to be a sour old crotch here, but I just don't like it.  Easter is great, Thanksgiving is awesome, I absolutely love Christmas, I just can't stand Halloween.  Every year I try to care, but I just can't  I still partake in the festivities insofar as I pull together a half-assed costume and go to a party and have fun, but don't think for a second that in the back of my mind I'm not wishing Halloween could be done away with and replaced by any other holiday.  Pre-Thanksgiving has a nice ring to it, Leaf Day is nice, Candynacht could be fun. The fact that I will in all likely hood not be curling this year puts an additional damper on the holiday that would traditionally be the kickoff week of the curling season.  Now that I've got that out of my system there are some sweet events coming up this weekend and ya'll should try to attend. You may even see your's truly all accouter in seasonal garb.

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