Monday, November 7, 2011


 I woke up Sunday bruised and sore from the past few days.  And while trying to review the events of the past few days, my almost complete lack of photographic documentation is a testament to my failure as an observer and my active participation in the debauchery.  Thursday the photo show went off without a hitch, and I want to thank all those who attended and submitted photos.  Friday night Andy2 organized a rolling bike dance party which ended up being a lot more fun than I anticipated.

The dance party took us all over the valley and somehow managed to avoid any sort of trouble.  Madison dudes came up and after the dance party ended we all rolled to Hilltop for a while before heading to the Elbow Room where the shirtless Indian leg wrestling with the bartender began.
Saturday I managed to pull myself out of bed early to go set up the Ghettocross race with Magyar.  The course this year included 3 stream crossings and a super sketchy bridge across the fire pit.  I didn't manage to get a single picture of the entire event, but it all went off without a hitch and I think everyone had a total blast.  Saturday night was more goofs and a late bedtime. Yesterday was a much needed recovery day to ward off a cold that has been trying to creep in for the past week.  During my down time I saw this really cool little bit that Bicycling Magazine did on the Bike Gear Hall of Fame.  It provides some industry background to some of the stuff that just gets taken for granted today.  Check it out here

I'm sure over the next few days some photos of the weekend will appear and I will post them here. But for now relax a bit until next weekend for the second Ghettocross race of the year.  

In the meantime, watch this. Mister Heavenly is members of Islands, Man Man, and Modest Mouse, this is just too good not to share.

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