Wednesday, April 27, 2011

we're still alive

It's been a few days. That's because it was nice out for a few days, which nessecitated being away from stupid computers and riding bikes all day. Sunday I celebrated Chocolate Rabbit Day, and then went out to Northwest Park. The second I got their Magyar called me and said he wanted to ride, 13 minutes later he was out there schooling me on the trails. If you have yet to go out to NWP, once it gets nice again do it. Apprently it's still a baby and their is much more trail making to come, but it's pretty awesome, and it's just a quick ride from downtown. There are a couple 3 or so minute downhills, but just be prepared to do a lot of climbing back to the top of the hill.

Afterwards we ran into Kristof and Andreas and milled about until burritos started calling my name. Speaking of Andreas and Co. there is a new edit up on the NO10 site from Menomonie. See for yourself

Seems like a strange place for a Lucero track, but digging it anyway.
Thats all, I'm off to work.

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