Sunday, November 1, 2009

2 on the ground

Holy fuck, it's happened. Bikeec is now officially two years old. I know I mentioned this before, but I think it's interesting how arbitrary time is and the different ways we measure it. We weight everything against time. How long things do or do not last equates to how good or bad they are. We pick these dates that we assign so much value to and year after year when they come around we sit around and reflect on whether time robbed us or not. For the general population that date is January first. For me that date is Nov.1.

I know that when I started this I thought it would be an awesome way to try to capture a bit of what is going on in Eau Claire right now, but in the process it has become a scale measuring much more. My life 2 years ago was so different than my life now that I can't help but cringe and think about it sometimes. The things we feel so dedicated to one moment can completely slip out of relevance a month later. Things we hate become incredibly important. People we care about leave, we find new ones to take their place.

I can't help but get sappy about all of this when I read this thing because I have put a lot of emotion into the little things on here. I don't feel like I've written a post I would ever take back. Which sounds silly, but it is endearing to me. If for no other reason that I can look back on what I've said and be happy that I remained somewhat sane and by some stroke of luck there are still people out there that are interested in what I have to say and want to hang out with me. Or at least don't mind me tagging along. I appreciate that.

All this is really about is that I am happy with this year. Not all of it, there was a lot of crappy parts. But there always is. And I know I write about a lot of the same things, but that is reassuring. Because that means that they are still happening. And I could do these things forever. Even on the crappiest days I can get on my bike and realize that I have that at the very least. Which is something remarkable that not everyone can say. We are lucky to have a scene and friends that get it.

So all of that said I just want to thank everyone for doing everything that they do and tell you all never to stop. Here is to one more year, for better or for worse.

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