Friday, August 21, 2009

End of story

Volume One has two bike related articles. One on North of Ten. Here
And one on biking in general here.

Last night was a total bust. No Thursday night ride and the bike polo thing in Menomonie fell through. So Damian Jake and I ended up riding around Menomonie for a while and coming back to EC.

Magyar is having surgery to become part robot today. Wish him luck.

Im super bummed out and I feel like everyone is taking bikes way to serious and quit having fun. I'm sure a lot of people think the opposite and wish having fun wasn't taken so seriously.
I will blame the problems with me on the weather.


Xilo said...

I came to Racy's precisely at 6.30! I was super psyched that I was gonna see some antics and/or mischief then I thought you'd left already. But I'm totally up for some polo or any other games.. I've never played anything and really want to. So.. yaknow. Make it happen?

~Orange tallbike

Betty Rae said...

That's one of the main reasons you kick ass. You bike because biking is awesome in and of itself, not because it's cool or because you need to be bikier-than-thou. I'm glad you're around, yo.