Wednesday, June 24, 2009


So I haven't posted here for a super long time. Sorry about that. I do, however, have an excuse. A poor excuse but an excuse non the less. It has been really hot out. And I don't like the heat. As a result I have taken to sitting at home reading books, eating ice cream, and shuttling back and forth to air conditioned computer labs where I can spend excessive amounts of time on the internet and trying to work on projects. As a result I have almost finished two zines, I've read 5 books, and I have managed to sit around grumbling about the humidity to myself more than the average person should.

I love riding my bike but even opening the door has become a chore. I don't like that feeling where when you even crack the thing a 1/4 inch heat rushes to your face and you start to sweat profusely. I don't like being stuck to myself, or pit stains, or being sprawled out on the couch in an effort to stay cool. I am a wimp when it comes to heat. And when I do decide to exert myself I turn into a complete grouch. I.E. Last Thursday when I spent the majority of the ride bitching about everything.

I like to think that the heat doesn't fit my personality. I am a sweater weather type of guy. I like layers, and chilly nights, and pants. I like coffee and rain and staying up late sans-sweat. Summer is for people who are consistently care free and idealistic. People who wear sandals. I hate sandals.

That said, as useless as the heat makes me, it is kind of refreshing that the main thing I have to bitch about right now is the heat. And I guess that is what summer is suppose to be about. Long hot days spent floating down rivers and sitting in kiddie pools. With that spirit in mind I will try my hardest to crawl out from under cool rocks and out of shadows and sweat away with everyone else.

On the bright side after spending so much time indoors I have finally put some pictures on my jump drive so i can present them to you here. That’s all. Call me soon. Lets have a party

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