Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Return

Wow, well hey there. Didn't know if I'd ever see you again. Too bad for you huh? HA, now you know I'm just kidding, it's good to be back.  So what's the deal? Where have I been? Where are all the big changes I was talking about?  Here's the skinny.  After many years of running this blog I began to seriously question whether I wanted to keep on with it.  Maintaining a cyber presence that is as "with it" as this one takes a little bit of work.  Between distilling hand sanitizer, the winter blues, and a general sense of not knowing what the fuck I'm doing with my life at any given point I decided to take some much needed me time.  I saw the world, shot up some trucks, and taped some pizza to my bike. But the whole time in the back of my head I the idea that I would really like to get this thing up and running remained.  It's 

 Despite being a bit of a recluse their is a strain in me that likes to create stuff that tries to share my life experiences and the way I see shit going down. I used to want to be in a band, then I realized I have no talent.  Then I started writing zines, then I got lazy and gave that up.  And I miss it, so I would hate to see the same thing happen here. So yea, I'm back at it. 

 As for "big changes" well that stuff is still in the works.  I'd like to do a bit more work promoting this corner of the internet for whatever reason so hopefully soon enough you will see stickers and spacebooking going on so keep an eye out okay?  Now in the meantime I realize I've missed a lot of great fodder in the past couple of months. Lance got high on network tv, important cyclocrossing happened in Madison, Stuporbowl and a bunch of other cool stuff went down.  The masochistic side of me wants to go touch upon those important events and offer up my opinion but to be frank I don't think either of us really want that. Anyway I have a strong feeling that would dump a lot of feelings of obligation and burn out on me pretty damn quick, not a fan.  February is almost done, the weather is warming up slowly, I'm seeing more bikes out and about on the daily, let's do this thing.   

1 comment:

Betty Rae said...

Sooooooo glad you didn't kill this blog. Good to see it back up. Plus - spring is right around the corner. How are you NOT going to blog when the spit and adrenaline of receding snow and sunny skies are calling you out to play? Don't look at this as an obligation, dude. When it feels like you HAVE to, take a break, and then come back to it when you have a handful of pictures and a story to go with them. Stay golden.