Friday, November 7, 2008

white stuff

It is snowing outside. That is exciting, and a little nerve wracking. It is awesome because I love winter, and I am looking forward to sweaters, days under the covers, riding bikes into snow banks, falling over, getting wet, getting dry, hot coco, hot cider, movies, people saying "kind of cold out to be doing that isn't it?", snow balls, snow forts, boots, mittens, hats, and all kinds of other stuff. But it is also a pain in the ass. it is cold and wet, and a constant reminder that thinhs need to get done. The semester is "winding down" and projects galore must be done, in the snow and cold. In any case I am excited for this weekend because it is much much needed. Hopefully it will be snowy and cold and we can ride bikes and play outside and get wet and shitty, then go inside, make lots of food, and drink, and be warm together. Show up Saturday for the bike repair thing. I can't stress how good of an opportunity i think this might be for us to organize a bunch of stuff, and just play with bikes and teach/learn from eachother. Agains contact me (715)703-0775 with any questions.

Have a good day and ride safe, its scary out there.

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