Friday, July 18, 2008


For the most part I think that people suck. I feel like the majority of the population is only out to serve their own intrests, are shallow, lying, disingenuine self ritous ass holes who would sooner jump out of a plane than hear someone call them out on their shit. I have ahard time being thankful for some of the good times in life because I tend to think that they are fleeting and fake, and can be taken away much easier than they were brought forth. I guess that makes me a cynic. (I swear I'm not this brooding in real life) But then I realize that some people fucking rule. And no matter how shitty things can get some people are willing to help you out, listen to your problems, and be there to help pick you up after really shitty situations happen. I like these people, ALOT. I really hope that some people out there lump me in that group, but I'm also afraid that lots of people lump me in the first group I described. I guess thats only fair. Anyway, the point of all this is that a friend helped me out with a job and today I went grocery shopping for the first time in like 2 months, and sometimes it's really cool how much simple gestures or phone calls can help people out. It makes me angry that I can get so upset sometimes, and be such a cynic. I guess we all have shit to deal with.

I had a bunch of pictures from the past week or so, but my camera is being a piece of shit, so I'll just tell you what they were.

Me naked
Joe Biel and Dave Roche reading at Zinefest
photos from 2 shows, a bunch of bands
me naked

Last night I went to 2 concerts, broke one bike, found out that sometime Wednesday in a drunken stupor I crashed my bike and broke a spoke. Missed the Thurs. night ride because of forementioned broken spoke. Not much else, summer is hot. Ride your bike and go swimming. Call me and lets do fun things, because I'm bored.

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