Saturday, March 1, 2008

In the belly of a whale.

I won't lie. I totally forgot about critical mass on Friday untill I talked to Dan, even then I was reluctant to go. I've worked most of the critical mass' the past few months and forgot how much fun it is to ride bikes in a group and talk to people I don't see often enough. I was pretty suprised to see a dozen people riding, which has to be a record turnout for a Feb. ride. Everything went pretty smooth and I got to ride 3 different bikes so it was well worth it. Kristof was there and told me to check out the local BMX videos at I can't help but wonder what the hell I'm doing on a bmx bike after watching them. I guess its just further proof that there are dozens of good people riding bikes in this town that deserve props.

I can't help but think that things are going to be exciting this summer. The bike scene feels like it's coalescing so much, and so many different events are being planned. I'm thinking there should be a pot-luck or a bbq some time in the next couple months. I suppose I should focus my attention on other stuff though, like finding somewhere to live in a couple months. Yesterday I dropped around $100 on movies for the Bike Film Fest. The final lineup is as follows. In no particular order yet.

April 12, 9am-9pm. UWEC@Phillips Hall 117, FREE because I love you


Joe Kid on a Stingray-


Red Light Go-


Still We Ride-


+ I'm taking submissions from any local people who want to submit something probobly 10min. or under is garanteed to be shown.

The times and other stuff is yet to be determined, and shorts will probobly be played between movies, or at least music will be played. Right now I'm storngly encouraging showing up early and hanging out all day and riding bikes all day. We might be able to set up some events, and I'm thinking about having an afterparty at my place. I'm really excited and it sould be a good time, so everyone mark the date on your calenders and show up. I'm probobly going to need at least a couple other people willing to hang around the whole time and work the equipment and help out with shit, so if your intrested contact me.

There will probobly be a bike build day and arts and crafts night coming up. Tentativey next Wed. This is a chance to build a bike if you have ever wanted to build a tall bike or any thing else, and work on colors and other stuff for St. Ratricks day which is coming up fast. It's suppose to be warm the next couple days, go ride your bike.

Two Blood Money references in two days....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please let me know when KLUNKERZ screens at your festival. Is the KLUNKERZ DVD available there, locally? I hope so:). Thanks for the support.
Ride on,
Billy Savage