Wednesday, October 8, 2008

about my dissapearence.

I know that many of you are probobly deeply deeply concerned with the lack of posting updates recently. I know the thoughts that must be racing through your head are probobly something new, and a little scary, but I assure you it will be ok. There are still dozens of awesome people riding bikes around eau claire every single day, I am still proud to be in that minority. I have just had little to no time to do much. I work thursdays so I miss rides, school is started so people are busy being students, and my bike situation has been pretty miserable recently. Those are my excuses. Things will pick up again soon. Including halloween stuff coming soon(I hope) if you have anything pertinenet that you want put on the internet always feel free to shoot me an e-mail and I will put it up for you. time for more schooling. stay alive

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