Wednesday, August 6, 2008

convoluted, yes

Not a whole lot has been happening. I've been dealing with alot of shit, looking for a job, looking for a bike, and trying to have fun. The same old stress' that everyone has. The other day my dad was trying to comfort me, his way of doing this was by telling me what a hard eyar it has been for my whole familey not just me. Not really the epic comforting gesture I was looking for, but it did kind of help put my problems in perspective. At least I'm not in a wheel chair, stroke free, and no one that cloase to me has died. Sydney bought me some groceries and a bottle of wine and we talked about how what we did and learned as kids translated to our lives now, and how our familey has always had these underlying issues that grow more apparent as we get older. It's scary to see them emerge and wonder what they might turn into in the future. We went job hunting again the other day and swapped places. My frustration had began to level out while hers had begun to surface. She tried to tell herself that there was no reason to be frustrated. I tried to tell her that there is no reason not to be. I guess thats a little counter productive, but I've come to realize that there is no point in trying to rationalize emotion. We all get pissed off for no reason, and have bad days, and I really don't think there is any reason to beat ourselves up over it. Now I'm trying to take my own advice and realize that the my percieved problems really aren't all that bad and I should just calm down and let things run their course. There is no point in beating myself up over things I can't change.

Yea thats just a bunch of convoluted rambling, I know.

In real news Magyar, Chris Z, and 2 others took first in the 4man single speed at Wausau this weekend, check out the results here.

Someone just buy me this. ok?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...