Hey, is that lemuria?
The next day Anna and I hung out and Tom actually went to work. Not a lot happened. When Tom got back we baisically repeated the last night, only with less booze. We rode bikes around town and ran into a bunch of weird people who stopped us and told us we should try to "take our bikes to the coast and sell them" Advice which we've both heard countless times before and disregarded every time. Intresting enough in the leader telegram there was an article about a guy in Califronia trying to bring back the swing bike craze. The company is here http://www.americasbikecompany.com/Swing_King_Expert_Swing_Bike_p/301-01-03.htm They are trying to sell them for almost $400 when you can build one for free. I couldn't help but laugh. I also found irony in the fact that they are called Americas bike company and the bikes are made in China. Please build your own, and don't support these jokers. The beer ran out and we rode for a little while longer and went back to my house to waste our brains watching tv and crash.
The next day I decided to visit my dad a few days early for x-mas. The anticipation of his voice at the prospect of his kids coming home early to see him was enough of a selling point. My dad is an incredible person that I admire with all my heart. I will never understand how he can be such a calm understanding person even when he's confronted with really hard decisions or situations, and he is always there to offer advice. Even after my mom died he made sure that my sisters and I never had any serious problems. My childhood was never a breeze (whose is?) but I feel like with anyone else but my dad it could have been alot worse. Anyway I spent the past few days in Cadott with my familey eating junk food and being lazy. Christmas afternoon Anna and I were reunited and we headed back to Eau Claire to do our x-mas. I got a bunch of great gifts from everybody including a digital camera, and lots of books to read. That pretty much brings everything up to date. This morning I went for a ride before I came to the library. My pants are still wet (they smell now too) and so are my mittens.