Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I forgot to register yesterday! I also forgot to call my insurance lady and fill out paperwork, WHOOPS! I can't wait untill break, I need some fucking time to relax. I may be going down to Chicago to go chill with Rat patrol down there for a weekend, but that's still kind of in the air right now. Who is rat patrol you ask? I will answer, as I have been getting that question alot recently. Rat patrol is a "chopper and trash club" that started out in Chicago and now has chapters all over the place. Baisically it's a club about building bikes, riding bikes, dumpster diving, playing with garbage, arts and crafts, and having fun.

Rat patrol EC has been official for about 6 months now, and it's numbers are estimated at anywhere from 1 to 1000. Rat patrol is about being inclusive, and having fun with people that you care about. It's about DIY and avoiding the cycle of buy and sell capitalism. Rat patrol is not about showing off flashy parts, or taking oneself to serious. Being admitted to RP EC is prety easy. Express intrest, show dedication to bikes, ask permission, make your colors, and ride with us. Ride alot. I strongly encourage anyone intrested to build a bike, and join up. It is fun to ride wierd bikes with a bunch of people wearing colors. Doesnt this look fun
Pictures from ratification this year, where RPEC was officially admitted to the world of Chicago style ratitude. If your intrested check out :

or better yet http://chicagofreakbike.org/ for lots of inspiration.

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