Fuck, I slept in half an hour and almost missed my exam. I ran over dog shit and it flung up on my bike. my bike smells. I ran out of money, and I havn't eaten yet today. Fuck. This morning has been off the hook! Plus I get to write a big ol' stinkin' history paper tonight. Other than that things are ok. I worked all weekend and cleaned my house. Sunday we drank a bunch of bum wine and rode out to Chippewa. Bum wine is now officially my favorite beverage of all time. And for anyone intrested I think we are having a brew day some time next week. So if you want to learn how to make your own (it's really easy) go ahead.
The camera I have been using isn't mine and will no longer be in my possesion in a few days so say goodbye to seeing lots of pictures of EC here, at least untill x-mas if Santa Clause brings me a digital camera all my own. I'm thinking we should do some sort of Thanksgiving ride where we put around town and eat lots of food and stuff, yea, thats probobly what we should do. Sunday when we were riding back to EC we decided to go down Starr, and we saw a bunch of cop cars outside of some house. So naturally we pulled over and tried to figure out what the deal was. Thomas said he knew a guy that lived right where the cops were, so he called him up. Apaprently the cops chased this guy into the friends backyard where he pulled a gun and shot himself. Creepy shit. It just amazes me how much we are all living in so much fear of jail, and prison, and fines, and punishment, that some people would sooner shoot themselves then go through the ordeal of being arrested. You can get the full story here. http://www.leadertelegram.com/story-news.asp?id=BEVN0IAP88P
I'm still really busy and I don't have a computer so posts will be slow in coming over break as the library is closing. Get fat.
You should be listening to these bands right now
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