Friday, December 7, 2007

Sad sappy sucker

Last night Thomas called me and told me that he was getting evicted so we should hang out and drink while he still had a roof over his head. I came over with the intent of leaving at around 10, and we drank some, got bored and decided to ride bikes around the house. I have a soft spot for riding bikes in houses. I remember when i was a kid whenever my parents left I would bring my bike inside and just ride it back and forth. I think this is mainly because the closest paved road was half a mile away, and I liked the feeling of rolling on something smooth for a change. What can I say, I'm lame. Then we scammed a free pizza, and ate some dinner. No food tatses as good as free food.
We got bored and went oustside to ride a bit when we ran into some punk kid Thomas knew. Whenever I meet new punk kids in the 16 and under club it blows my mind. These kids not only know how to play multiple instruments, know crass songs by heart, are intrested in learning new shit, but they can put up a good discussion on bands like Modest mouse or the moldy peaches. Granted there often a little less than PC, but I didn't know nearly that much about punk when I was a kid. At least I don't think I did, I can't really remember. We went inside again and I decided I might as well stick around for a while longer. We drank a bunch more and started making a bunch of noise so we went into the basement to skate. I havn't tried to skate in a while, but I think I'm better at it when I've been drinking. I managed to do a few bonless' and made a drop off an old chair. Thomas shred an old cabinent, then we got tired ate some seed, and drank some more.

We sat around and got tipsy. Then we pulled out a guitar and sang a bunch of songs. Screaming Johnny Hobo and against me!(The crimes as forgiven by ep rules and you fucking know it) songs at the top of your lungs in a basment full of smoke and toy ponies is a really good time. And we drank, and we sang songs, and we drank and we sang and we drank and we sang. An angry robot showed up for a while, ponies were all over the place, and we finally ran out of beer at about 4:30 this morning, 6 hours after I planned on leaving. This morning I woke up still buzzed, and I still am right now.

Note that gross pile of seeds, pony burial ground.

My throat hurts like hell, I smell like smoke,and I'm tired. But it's such a beutiful day I think it would be a crime not to go outside and enjoy it. Nights like last night really make me apreciate certain things though. Like the fact that I'm still alive, thats nice. Or the fact that sometimes you can escape all the bullshit stress of the world and just relax in a basement and sing songs that express your feelings better than you ever could. I know thats alot of sentimental garbage, but there is a time and a place to be sentimental and honest. And there is no reason to not talk about a good night. There are so many things in this world tyring to impose regulations, and impose power and authorty over us that when you can escape all that bullshit for one night, i deffinetly think it's something worth getting sentimental over. Anna just called and we are going to take a walk over to the acousitic and get some food and coffee. So now I have the words "pony punx" written across my knuckles in sharpie and I don't think I'm going to wash it off.

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