Thursday, August 23, 2012

mean streets

After a long wait the most anticipated cycling movie of summer finally comes out tomorrow! In celebration TV has taken it upon itself to teach you the three most important skills in cycling, 1.POWER SKIDZ! 2.180 SPINZ!! 3. BUNNY HOPZZZ!!!11!  Now you too can be fixie-pro just like my boy J.G.L.  Watch the movie,learn all your favorite tricks, stop the bad guys, impress your friends. I'm just all a quiver with anticipation!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you know how impossible people are to please? i mean, seriously. a movie comes out that is all about cycling, the same kind of cycling you enjoy daily. and it would be way too hip to even give it a chance. there's no way that it could be cool, or even good, because "nobody gets cycling like the real cyclists." that may be true, but here it is, a film with cycling as the primary focus and everyone is too cool to just take it for what it is. being hip sucks.