Friday, August 17, 2012


I have a hard time nay-saying someone trying to make a living off of something they love.  But I also know that the bike industry is full of people hashing out ways to market insanely complicated over the top "technology" in an effort to get people to buy the same shit twice and spend more money.  Then they try to market this stuff with idiotic kitsch taglines like "So much is going into urban biking, cars are so yesterday."  Again, nice work trying to do something you love and make a living off of it but fact is bike helmets work.  They have for a long time and they will only get better in the future.  There is no way on earth am I going to ride around with a 5lb space helmet scarf on in the middle of summer sweating my ass off just so I don't mess up my hair.

Get over it people, your hair or your crappy flat brimmed cap, or your dreadlocks aren't going to save you when your head meets the pavement.  Buy a helmet, wear it, and quit wasting time trying to invent idiotic, over the top, shit like this.

Rant complete

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