I'm not one to give out product endorsements. Even so their are some things that deserve it. Around 2 years ago Andy gave me a pair of Crank Bros. Candy Cs that forever changed my perception of how comfortable, efficient, and fun riding a bike could be.
All week I've been planing on setting some time aside to rebuild these pedals but those plans fell through and I've continued riding them regardless. Then tonight on the ride after a decent hour or so of riding coming out of Rod and Gun my right pedal finally had enough and came clean off the spindle.
This damage aside it is important to note that these are by far the best pedals I have ever dealt with (not saying I've dealt with tons). As far as commuting year round in all sorts of different weather and styles of riding and hundreds of miles between rebuilds Eggbeaters take the cake. Completely unmess-with-able if you ask me.
So there's my endorsement, I will go to the mat for Crank Bros any time, check em out.
Mine broke heading down water st last summer, the rebuild is easy!
Yea thats the other nice thing about eggbeaters is how simple/cheap rebuild is. Unfortunetly I snapped the threaded part off the spindle so I think I'm just going to make the move to finally buy a new pair. The spring in these is pretty worn anyway.
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