There is no day like a new bike day, especially when you don't see it coming. Monday was a long miserable day for me. I broke a tooth Sunday night and had to work early with a busted tooth all day, go to the dentist, and just generally feel kind of miserable all day. But when I got home I was pleasantly surprised to see the Motobecane Le Champion I had posted about last week resting on my couch. I called my prime suspect, and sure enough my dad had gone above and beyond his fatherly duties and picked it up for me.
I know there are more than a few people out there who could care less about Campagnolo stuff, especially older Campy stuff. I am not one of those people, I drool over that stuff. And this bike is fully decked out in Campy, Nuovo Record derailers, Record hubs laced to Mavic Gel 280s, Atax Philippe stem, campy everything else down to the brake pads. This bike is just way cooler than anything I imagined I would ever own and I've been rolling around on it and oggling it all day. I guess the former owner wanted to try a triathlon so he bought the bike new, used it a few times never got into it and let it sit in his garage for 30 years.
And it shows, everything is immaculate except for wear on the saddle which is probably going to be replaced anyway. It even came with the original Campy tire pump. Plus the guy threw in a set of Ofmega hubs laced to Super Champion Gentleman 81Rims, old Vittoria road shoes, tires, and an old Mavic Look clipless setup.

I love my dad.
Now do us all a favor and don't turn it into a hipster piece of trash.
Veeeerry nice...Your Dad and the bike! !
You rode that bike in the winter? You best never lock that fucking thing up.
By rolling around I mean rolling around my house and up and down the dry street. No worries. But I did tear everything off and replace it with some sweet fixie stuff and riser bars, see you doods at the skate park... That was a joke obviously, only mods to be made are saddle(upgrade to a turbo, the saddle which came on the Team Champions)/post (campy or Simplex, again stock on the team champs)
That is sick. Best pops ever. Don't know if you already got one lined up but I got an original Turbo Special gold that just became available as well as an original WCS Turbo as well. Photos of the Special here - http://www.flickr.com/photos/morganpease/sets/72157626203507580/
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