Friday, August 28, 2009

easy lucky free

Yesterday I learned a bunch about lumberjacks and automated telephone systems that demand extensions. I took the best nap I've had in a long time and when I woke up it was officially a Thursday night.

Last night we rode out to the beer-a-mid and sat around eating bannanas, twizzlers, doughnuts, and drinking beer for a couple hours. We watched the sun go down earlier than it did the day before and saw the mall parking lot empty and the traffic on the highway slow to a trickle.

White cars gave us trouble and almost got smashed because they trusted us when they shouldn't have.

I went to a party and danced when no one else was, talked to friends, and adopted another animal. Got very very drunk and rode my bike home in the dark cool night.

Some times you don't really realize how good a day was untill its long gone.

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