When I got home my favorite show in the whole wide world was on PBS. Some people who grew up in Wisconsin in the 90s may remember catching re-runs of this gem of television known as storylords! possibly the best WPB series ever this series follows the journies of an aspiring storylord named Norby and his advetures in the land of Mojuste fighting the evil forces of Thorzuul and his hentchman Milkbreath. The best part of this series however is the magical bike used to travel to the land of Mojouste. Check it out here http://youtube.com/watch?v=ylLevkW2UxI&feature=related If nothing else peep that hot ride 2 minites into the video. I think they even have it set up as a single speed.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Can't feel my legs
Monday, November 26, 2007
Now I am back in Eau Claire. back in the daily grind of school, work, rent,worry, blah blah blah. I can't wait untill this semester is over. Yea, bitch bitch bitch, I know. But as long as it's still getting close to winter I feel entitled, plus I have an exam and a paper do this week, so I can bug out all I want. O yea, bikes! We are talking about araging another meeting of the Boneshaker Bike Collective somestime soon. We want to plan a winter event (ice race, sled bikes, snow jumps, nudy rides, polar plunge?) as well as set further goals. We will soon be in posession of TWO welders, so we no longer need that much fundraising. I've also got a bunch of other ideas rolling around I want to talk about. I'll figure all that out and keep information here.
Choppa daze
I was also informed that some people are working on a free school here in Eau Claire, and Dan and I were thinking of doing some bike workshops, or welding workshops, so we will see what comes of that. More news is we were formally invited to next years Outdoor Festivle of The Arts. Last year we showed up unanounced with a bunch of bikes and baisically just hung out all day letting people try them out, getting food, and giving rides on the pedicab. This year they asked if we would like to do a booth or something. Whew, too much typing, time to go get some food.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Monday, November 19, 2007
rabble rabble rabble
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Top secret
Monday, November 12, 2007
Going home
Thursday Nov. 15th
Disaster Strikes (Boston Hard Core)
Resistant Culture (L.A. tribal grind crust)
Bastard Sons of Browcoski (Ben Crew + Some guys from Misery)
Feed the Addiction
@ the Unitarian Universal Church
421 S. Farwell st., across from bus stop downtown.6:00, 5$
How do we get down in Eau Claire? This is how http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4n6mcKNS1IA
Friday, November 9, 2007
Let it
Snow also makes me think of al the fun sorts of things I want to do this winter. For instance, January ride in our underwear? Ice racing? Sled bikes? Not to mention the obvious snow ball fights, snow forts, hot coco, and hot cider. being kind of busted up I havn't had alot of ability to go riding, so I've spent alot of time just thinking about doing different stuff, and I keep getting more and more excited. If winters coming, bring it on. Just give me a day to build a new winter bike though ok?
The past couple days I havn't been able to do alot of biking, so I've actually spent alot of time hanging out at local bike shops, and even the mall, looking at bike stuff. I was pretty amazed to see one of the local shops selling a Hed 3 rim. In case you are not familiar look here
http://www.hedcycling.com/cart/wheels.php Pretty fast looking huh? This is where I generally start loosing friends. You see, I love bikes fast ones slow ones flashy ones crappy ones all kinds of them. I even ride some pretty nice ones, at least I like to think they are nice. But I can't come to terms with the idea of buying parts or components simply because their is an image or name you are pursuing. I know aerospokes, and hed 3s look cool, but do you need them to ride your bike around town? Pink anodized crank arms? $400 selle italia saddles? If I buy a seat for $370 it better have a built in flatscreen tv. Anyway my point is I think sometimes it's easy to get carried away looking at expensive parts. I'm certainly not impervious, but I am trying to deal with it. It's one thing to want a part because of its functionality, it's another to want it for it's name. When we start buying new bikes, and parts just so we can talk about what parts we have, rather than experiences we've had on our bikes. Places we've gone, things we've seen, etc, we lose touch of why se started riding bikes in the first place.

Less shit talking, more bike riding.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Ramp up the jawn!
See, broken chain. I do not lie!
Anyway, I went for a little ride around town the other day and couldnt help but to notice all the bmx spots I know of around down town. This is part of the reason I love bmx. I love seeing ledges that normal people don't normall notice, but bikers have waxed and rode. I like seeing gaps, and jumps carved out in the dirt. I like seeing tire marks on walls, and quickrete on retaining walls. This said I am rarely the one putting tire marks 5 ft up on walls, 3 feet for that matter.
The point is that it's another part of this city that most people do not see or experience. Skaters get it, bikers get it, a few other, but not everyone. And I love the idea of people networking through a series of gaps and ledges. Running into other kids on bikes in different towns, and being able to go to different spots with them. Not malls, or monuments, or stores. Parking lots behind stores, construction sites, and staircases. I just hope that people keep doing these things for a long time. Despite the criminalization of recreation it's important to maintain these aspects of a culture that not alot of people notice. All that said I am hardely a figure in the Eau Claire BMX scene, so I give props to those riders who are out on their bmx bikes every day tearing it up. CURB ENDO!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Green cars
Meeting up before the hobo ride. Short bike day!
After hobo time we decided to go ride around town for a while than go back to a guys house (sorry I forgot your name) and hang out and drink for a while. On the ride Anna and I split off for a minuite and ended up splitting up. I rode into town looking for the rest of the pack when I finally got ahold of Thomas and started heading towards Water St. While I was heading down First ave. near Chippewa I saw a car begining to move into my lane. Curious as to whether or not they saw me I began to slow down, by this point I was well into the intersection. Sure enought the car, with no turn signal mind you, took their left turn and took me out in the process. I ended up flying over their hood and landing on the sidewalk. where I rolled around trying to catch my breath, and yelled at the guy not to move his car. I rolled around some more and swore a bunch because I thought my leg was busted, and could see my bike was clearly trashed.
Bent rim, bent forks, bent bars, sad face
The guy called the cops and they showed up along with the EMTs and fire department. By this time I could walk and hobble into the ambulance to get checked out while the cops did their cop stuff. Everything seemed ok, and considering how much adrenaline I had going I could have a bone sticking out and wouldn't have felt it. After that ordeal I got out of the ambulance and was fortunate enough to see friends there waiting to see if I was ok. Many thanks to you guys for sticking around, it's alot less intimidating to deal with cops, and EMTs, and all that sort of stuff when you have the support of other people around you, pat yourself on the back, you know who you are. So I ended up talking to the cops and all that stuff. The consensus was that I was not at fault, and the only thing I did wrong was not have a light on the front of my bike, I always ride with my tailight at night. I ended up getting a $20 ticket for that and the guy who hit me got a $160 ticket and 4 points off for failure to yield. Fortunetly for me the guy who hit me was level headed and I got all of his insurance info. Thomas, Anna, and I walked back to my house and chilled for a litle bit, then thomas took off and I decided to check myself out now that the adrenaline coursing through my veins finally slowed to a trickle and my heart wasn't beating out of my chest. My arm looked all fucked up so Anna and I ened up driving to the hospital to get it checked out.
6 x-rays and an hour and a half later they concluded that I simply sprained my shoulder. My arm hurts like hell and I alwsy thought sprains were wimpy things, but according to dictionary.com it is "a sudden or violent twist or wrench of a joint causing the stretching or tearing of ligaments and often rupture of blood vessels with hemorrhage into the tissues" I guess thats pretty tough. I got some painkillers and went home to go to bed.
There is something I want to get off my chest though. It's amazing to me how much animosity you get as a biker. I've grown used to it, but in situations like this it really bugs me. I am an experienced biekr who wasn't doing a single thing illegal when that car hit me. Yet I tell people what happened the automatically assume that I must have been at fault some how. Somehow simply riding a bike makes you less of a person and instantly at fault for any accident that happens. So to all you cynics, no this wan't my fault. if you don't believe me call the cops and get a copy of the accident report.
And everyone remember that no matter how good of a biker you think you are it just takes one car not paying attention, or not caring, and you are on the ground broken or dead. You can be covered in reflective tape, and lights, but if a driver isn't paying attention it doesnt matter. That said, ride safe.
Well, overall I had a decent night. thanks for everyone coming out to ride and thanks to my friends who have called and stuff to make sure I'm ok. Sorry the night had to end early, Im kind of bummed we couldn't have rode around longer. Next time I will try my hardest not to get hit.
O yea, I rode bike to school today. The pedal power dont stop.
Monday, November 5, 2007
The view (or lack there of) outside my window this morning. All signals lead to depression.
Todays forcasted high is a whopping 40 degrees with wind gusts at 40mph. Four layers on my chest provide for adequate warmth outside, and of course sweating inside. Regardless of the cold I am calling devoted souls out to a hobo ride tonight. Meet at 5pm at racys where we will ride to the tracks on the north side of town and sit around a campfire and wait for a train to go by. Bring food and friends, and dress for the weather.
I always find it's funny seeing the bike racks thin out during the winter. It goes from not being able to find an open space anywhere, to maybe 10 bikes parked at any given rack. Already you can see the parking lots, and streets filling up a little bit more, and more bikes left at racks tipped over with flat tires. Come on people it's not THAT miserable out, yet...
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Clap your hands
I pulled my bike off the road by it's bent handlebars getting blood on my grips. Checked my body for less obvious injuries than the blood running down my hand, and began to walk home.
Such is life.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Halloween/Hobo Day
These are a few pictures from the halloween event that Boneshaker bike collective put on. Overall I think it was a success and we had a pretty decent turnout. Started off with a bare rim race which I lost by a longshot. Then a game of footdown, followed by tall bike jousting or a bunny hop contest or something, I cant remember. I really want to thank everyone that came out, and I hope you all come out to the next event we have, which hopefully will be even better than this one. I also have quite a few patches left over from the event, so if you would still like one and didn't get one hit me up.
It also made me think about the fact that most of us are fortunate enough to be able to take these things for granted. It's easy to think your life is a wreck, but when you think about how good we have it, it's pretty easy to see things aren't that bad. That is not to say that we are not entitled to feel overwhelmed, especially considering I've felt overwhelmed 90% of my life, but that when we do feel like life is crashing around us we should try to step back and realize just how lucky we are to have some of the shit we have. This is a funny thing for me to say as anyone who knows me knows I am a cynic, but I guess there is still truth in it.
So what do bikes have to do with that crap? When most of us are on our bikes we feel a intimate connection with the world. Either weaving through cars or just riding down the sidewalk, we create an enviroment that is our own, and if only for that one ride is subject to our whims. We are taking our lifes into our own hands and creating an enviroment outside of the structure of buying to be happy. Or maybe Im just full of shit, you be the judge.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Brand new

In creating this page I am only expressing my thoughts and opinions on biking in Eau Claire, and biking in general. It is important to note that these are only my opinions, and not the voice of any group, or representation of anyone else besides myself.
As of this post I am 20 years old, and have been living in Eau Claire for about 2 years. I have been a long time bike junkie, starting out on a Huffy Mojave Gulch MTB, moving to a Schwinn powermatic Pro BMX, to a Schwinn World Sport which I later turned into a fixed gear. Now I ride a Redline triple x bmx, a Windsor the hour fixed gear, and a whole host of other tall bikes and choppers. I love bikes of all types, but try to keep everything cheap as possible.
Hopefully soon enough I will be posting pictures and other stuff on a regular basis. But posts may be limited sometimes as being a full time student, working, and being involved in other groups takes time. If you have something you want added or find intresting please feel free to contact me.