Monday, February 27, 2012

third half

 Saturday I managed to pull myself out of bed at a decent hour and got some house chores taken care of when I got a call inviting me to go bowling.  I can't remember the last time I went bowling so I jumped at the chance to go try it out again.  Whenever I get to try something new their is always this part of me that thinks "I'm going to be a total natural at this and I'm so good and have so much fun this becomes my passion. I can't wait to try this thing out!"  Then after bout half an hour I realize that that has never been true and I really need to stop setting myself up for failure.  What I'm getting at here is that their is a reason I haven't bowled in so long and I was reminded of it on Saturday, I'm terrible at it.
 I did have a lot of fun though and afterwards Magyar and I dicked around on our bikes for a good half hour before I headed home to relax and get ready for another show.  Jen and I layed around before heading over to the WUEC Showcase. To check out the good people in Adelyn Rose, Zoo Animal, and Daredevil Christopher Wright.  I was really stoked about all the bands and it was really nice to see some friends really nail their craft.  I sometimes forget how talented some of the people I've had the pleasure to meet are, and this was a nice reminder. I'm sure their will be a ton of pictures up at Peer Validated in no time if you are really interested in checking them out.  Even if your not you should still be reading Peer Validated, so check it out.
 Sunday Jen and I headed out to my dads to go tap trees for maple syrup.  This is something We've been doing as long as I can remember and it's something I look forward too every year.  This year we went out a lot earlier than years past dud to the warm weather and tapped the same trees we have been tapping for probably a dozen years.

 We tap on this property about 5 miles out past my dads house at the end of a beat up old road that's impassible by car during the muddy spring. It's a really pretty area surrounded by picturesque Wisconsin scenes; farms, cows, rolling fields, trees, gravel roads, that kind of stuff, and I was a little disappointed in the grey weather but still took the chance to play around in the woods with the family dog.
 So that was my weekend. Get out and have fun, their is a storm brewing.

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