Monday, December 19, 2011


I feel like I need to preface these pictures with something.  I don't like guns.  The sole reason for their existence is to kill and maim.  The ready availability of guns does nothing to contribute to the liberty of a nation, it just gives certain people with limited intelligence/resources/money/self esteem something to feel good about.  The prevalence of guns in any society is a major issue.  I have/will never own a gun and think that firearm production should be drastically cut and licensing and ownership should be increasingly difficult and more expensive to obtain.  

Now here's the other side of that. Guns are super fun to shoot. I get the double-think going on here, but they are really interesting machines.  I grew up in rural Wisconsin and despite my dad not owning many guns, like many kids in Wisconsin I grew up reading guns and ammo and other magazines in school.  Tbis and hot rods were the two staples of conversation through out my early teens.  And while my peers went hunting and shot the family guns, my interest never piqued enough to actually pursue buying a gun, and probably never will, but I still find them interesting.  I know lots of people who own guns and are incredibly intelligent, safe, and qualified to do so.  Far more qualified than myself.  They use them to hunt for food,  recreation, and for collecting, not to wave wildly and shoot at neighborhood pets.  While I maintain my philosophical opposition to guns, on the flip side I know that, well, guns are pretty neat.  And that's why a while ago after shooting my sisters 9mm we were sitting around the Court n'House on a Thursday night having this exact conversation.     

After a pitcher or two consensus was reached and we headed to Sheels for a couple hundred rounds of ammunition.  We hit up a local dumpster for a garbage bag packed of produce and finally Sunday we drove out  and wreaked havoc on heads of cauliflower and flats of tomatoes with a couple Glocks.  So that's how I spent my Sunday, well that and eating pizza and watching the Packers lose, take from it what you will.  

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