It's been a while, but I've been keeping busy with a bit of a bug, and interneting is pretty low on my totem pole in December. I absolutely love when winter comes barreling in and the Holiday season begins. And the internet just does not have any pull over snowy bike rides, walks, and holiday cheer. Thursday was nice and chilly and the annual tradition of switching cycle computers from miles ridden to beers drank happened. After a night out of riding and visiting several dens of ill repute we ended up at the Labor Temple for marathon shuffleboard.

When the night was done we hopped some fences and I ended up in my bed. Saturday night Magyar, Derek, and myself headed to Menomonie to do the first goldsprints event of the year hosted by the kind folks at Acoustic Cafe in Menomonie. Before I go any further I just want to say that the hummus hogies at acoustic are one of my little guilty pleasures, they are slathered with hummus and sauce and shredded lettuce and consequently always require me to abandon all dinning etiquette use my fingers to get every scrap of food and wind up with a face covered in hummus. Anyway, the event was a blast. Lots of enthusiastic racers, good food, and good beer. Overall champ was an underdog in both mens and womens, which is always a lot of fun to watch and always earns me a premium in our under the table gambling.

The rest of the night started with breaking down the gear and heading over to the Waterfront for some jams and taste of the Menom. night life. In search of a place with a little more charm we headed to the den for a while before wrapping it up for the night and indulging in a massive smotheralla sticks which my body is still angry at me for. Again, great time, hope we can come back soon.

Sunday was one of my favorite days of the year, Christmas tree day. As long as I can remember my family has gone to the same place and cut down a Christmas tree from the same guy. Real old fashioned trudging through snow, cutting it down, dragging it out, bringing it home stuff. None of that lame fake tree or parking lot tree garbage. Afterwards we eat plates of junk food, drink banana shakes, and decorate the tree. Now I'm not a religious guy in the least. No one in my family is or really ever has been, but for some reason we have always had a lot of Christmas traditions that turn me into a giddy little kid every year. Maybe it's the consequence of having a really small family or living out in the middle of nowhere or something, but whatever it is I love it. Well there you go voyeurs, that the skinny of the past few days. Well I've got a dance party to get too, later dudes.