Monday, October 31, 2011

daily title

This weekend was a much needed respite from work and running around.  Thursday I took off early and headed to Lowes Creek to check out some of the new trailwork they have been doing out there.  Derek met me out and we rode all of the new elements (which are very cool, nice work CORBA) and worked up a hearty appetite that only two burgers at the Court n' House could satisfy.  We met Magyar there, chowed won and headed out for a TNR full of goofs, riding the new Hastings way, drink tickets, and classical music.

I took a rest day on Friday and hammered out a bunch of work for the upcoming photo show as well as house cleaning and nap taking. Saturday Jen and I went to Chippewa and hit up the downtown flea market, bloody mary and cheese curd breakfast, an antiques store that seemed to specialize in selling 30 year old full cans of beer and finally we hit up the Leinies tour where we were mistakenly given 4 drink tickets each instead of 2.  Came home, nap time, Haloween party time. Yesterday was wet cold and miserable which made it the perfect day for a cross race.
Despite the low racer turnout the race was a muddy blast and the lack of racers allowed me to grab third place racing a single speed in wet denim.

Props to the organizers spectators and racers.  Especially the ones that had to endure seeing Derek hanging his ass out of his pants.  The rest of the day was spent relaxing and going to a scary haunted house.  Now it's Monday and I'm back to work and already thinking about Thursday and the weekend.  It's a vicious cycle, I think maybe the only way out is to have less fun on the weekends than the work week which is something I'm not prepared to undertake yet.

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