Tim Knoll BMX from tim knoll on Vimeo.
Get pysched for Ghettocross!
Ride your bike and have fun, no matter what.
Tim Knoll BMX from tim knoll on Vimeo.
PretaRouler from blunt films on Vimeo.
Potentially everything wrong with bikes? Apparently there was a bicycle fashion show in London recently and this is the riveting coverage of it. I absolutely can't stand this high end boutiquey stuff that keeps popping up. Are esthetics's important? Yes, to an extent. It feels good to ride a bike you like the look of and have stuff that you feel looks good as well as being functional. But is functionality more important than esthetics, yes. And it's pretty clear that half the stuff you see people marketing with bikes is marketing bikes as another high end accessory.
There is never going to be a shortage of people out there telling you to buy stuff. Be it components, bikes, clothes, hair gel, whatever. But that is the last reason I ride a bike. For me riding a bike has always been about the freedom that accompanies it. When your young it lets you get away without a car. It does the same now. It also provides that aspect of financial freedom, which all this ridiculous fashion oriented bike stuff takes away. Now you don't need money to ride a bike, but you won't be riding the "right" bike. Get real...
Then Sunday morning I got up early and went to work. The entire time I was riding I was thinking about riding a similar route the day before in an entirely different context. It's funny that racing for me is so much less about placing (all though it would be nice to do one of these days...) and more about just having an opportunity to open up on the same stupid roads that I dread riding to work or school or the store on every other day of the week. Then of course there is the added advantage of doing that with my friends who do the same stupid commutes that get so old in the dead of winter or the hottest days of the year and getting chance to race them. It's the same appeal as TNR in a lot of ways, except you get prizes for racing.
Anyway, all of that is just a way of saying that Saturday was a blast and I can't wait until Ghettocross in a couple weeks. See you then!
Women's Liberation and the Bicycle from Jim Kellett on Vimeo.
Classy ladies ride bikes
Erik Elstran's Dragon Shredit (internet edition) from North of Ten on Vimeo.
The Goat Sprints from Corey MacGregor on Vimeo.
ROCK'N'ROLLO from sergio twardowski on Vimeo.