Monday, September 13, 2010

for the books

I'll admit that I was kind of reluctant to go ride on Thursday. I was up since 6 and definitely feeling sleepy. But then I was reminded of just how awesome and fun Thursday night is. Lots of goofing around, riding, some beer, some vending machines, and some pizza made for an awesome night.

The rest of the weekend was equally as awesome. It was Jen's birthday and much fun was had. Saturday was the Clear Water Beer Fest and it was one of the best times I've had drinking in my life. If you ever want to try some of the best beers in the country for 4 hours and all for free after admission I definitely recommend it. It's not every day you find yourself with an empty glass trying to figure out which 12% Bourbon Barrel Stout you want to drink.

This week promises to be a bit more disciplined as school really gets going, but that just gives me more to look forward to for the weekend.

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