Yesterday Scott and I sat around all day and shared stories about his tour and my vacation and today it's back to work.
Aparently while I was gone I missed the Crit race, actually I totally forgot about it all together but I was told it was a good time and it picked up some press in the Leader-Telegram. You might recognize a couple of the faces in this picture. I like this picture of Magyar chasing down a Giant roadie on a single speed with flat bars a ton.
There is an alleycat in Oshkosh coming up soon. You can get more info here. Sounds fun and it's awesome to see more of these races popping up in WI. If anyones interested it might be fun to go represent. Speaking of races the All City Championships is now. This race looks amazing and it's just a quick to our friendly neighbors in Minneapolis. If anyone from EC makes it send some pics! Thats all for now, here are some vacation shots.
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