I'm feeling really lazy after a freaking beautiful afternoon bike ride so I decided to do a fun post about my top 5 songs about riding your bike. So here it is in no real order.

Bicycle Bicycle, You Are My Bicycle (Album Version) by be your own PET
The Clincher: "Have fun and be safe with it, Just kidding, fuck shit up."/"We ride bikes, cars are for idiots."
I realize that this is one of those bands that people seem to either love or hate, and I find myself on the fence about them alot. However, there is no denying how incredibly fun this song is and how perfect it seems to sum up what it's like to just go out and have fun on your bike.

Murder Bike by This Bike is a Pipe Bomb
The Clincher: "Bicycle Bicycle keepin' me sane, without you I've got murder murder murder swimming in my brain."
The quintesential good time, bike riding, band. Loud, fast, and loose, nothing else to say other than these folks are doing it right. If you ever ever get the chance to see them, do it at all costs.

Bike song by Zegota
The Clincher: "Every pedal strikes a blow for freedom, every pedal strikes a blow against global decay."
Loud and abraisive and the most politically minded song on the list. I used to listen to this song at least once a day. In my opinion this is the band that picked up where Refused let go, and then took it to the next level. I also have the album art from the album this song was taken from tattooed on my arm, so that deffinetly help put it in the running.

So Much Beauty In Dirt (Album Version) by Modest Mouse
The Clincher: "Get real drunk and ride our bikes."
Easily one of my favorite bands of all time. I know this song doesn't really have much to do with riding you bike other than that one line. But in the history of one liners about bikes placed into a song I think this is by far the best. This is just one of those songs that sums up all of the good things in life in under 2 minutes. BMX crash by Modest Mouse was barely edged out in favor for this song.
The Clincher: "Even Columbus looks better from the back seat of a bike"
Second maybe only to TBIAPB in my book for making really awesome emotional folk music without even seeming like they need to try. Definetly one of my favorites and listening to the whole album and reading all the liner notes only make it better.
Wow, that was actually a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. I was going to post some of the runners up for the top 5 but then I just start questioning my picks, so you can use your imagination on who would make top 10. Well, time to make some dinner. Stage 4 of the tour is tomorrow. Check it out. Thursday night ride on thursday.
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