A.Once this trend dies off we get their parts.
B. They are raising awareness(in atl east some way shape or form)
C. For every 10 goofy set ups I see I see at least 1 really cool bike. (most recently a Campy'd our Cannondale)
But fact of the matter is I do feel great deals of animosty towards this trend. When college is out we got to be the special few that rode their bikes every day in all weather and had tons of fun doing it. No one I've met has proven any legitimate contributions to the EC cyling community thus far and does little more then play at the hip image.
I realize that makes me sound like an arrogant asshole, but that is something I'm working on. And I'm also typing this as a means to challenge all of these new riders to come and hang. It would be freaking awesome to see more people riding Thursdays year round and helping organize races and events. Seriously, do it newbs. The Eau Claire cycling community does a really really good job of looking much larger and better organized than it actually is, and the more people helping out the merrier. There you go, that is my atempt at turning animosity into something positive.
Speaking of something positive, last Saterday Derek, Erik, magyar and myself rode out to Elk Lake Tavern to race crappy bud light Tandems around a field and hang out with the Elk Lake locals. Despite breaking almost all of the bikes,being obligated to take a bite out of a hot dog, and losing by a long shot we all had tons of fun. You should have been there. But you probably wern't so here are some pictures stolen from the EC velo blog.

you ate a hot dog?
without me?!?
I got away with biting it and spitting it out. I promise you right now if I ever start eating meat again it will be mini-corn dogs at the Court n' House and it will be with you. Internet promises are the most sincere promises.
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