Thursday, May 21, 2009

new whats next

Since release from the clutches of the academy I have neglected this sweet little corner of the internet. I guess that is a lie because I neglected it prior as well, but lets not dwell on that. Summer is here and it is time to focus on the new. So what is up? Answer:not much.

It's hard to remember the happenings of the past few weeks unless I sit down and write them down after they happen, which I clearly havnt done, thus making me bad blogger. Speaking of things I'm bad at. I am terrible at summer. Whenever summer comes around it makes me want to do really really irresponsible things like quit my job and drive to Mexico. Or go camping up north for a month. And as I approach the end of my academic career the future becomes more and more daunting. Summer, every day, for eternity? waking up every day and realizing I have no test in the morning, no book to read, nor paper to write. Just the obligation of paying off the debts of those books and papers and exams. Then once that is done what happens next? Im not so much intimidated by the future, but a little curious. I feel like a lot of people have been asking me questions about what I am going to do after college and the answer is always a prety standard "I dont know" and more frequently that has been delivered with a tone of carelesness.

That said there are a lot of things I do know I want in the future and I feel like all the planning that is expected of us makes people lose touch with the few things they do control.

I think I ranted about this before, so it must just bea re-occuring thing. Which means no matter how much I think I have a grasp on it I'm only fooling myself. But hey, that's better than nothing.

So what is important right now?
Bike Bike
Workshop at banbury Saturday
Thursday Night Ride Tonight
New Stuff at NO10
FGG Grocery Getter Contest

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