I feel like I've been doing lots and lots of stuff, and havn't had much time to slow down and take a breath all week. Today is the first time I've had no plans in a long time. Actually I did have plans, but they involved a car. But seeing as how the city tore out the alley behind my house this morning there is no way for me to use my car untill they re-pave it all. A blessing in diguise maybe? Thursday was a really intense ride. I don't know why, but I felt like my bike was kicking my ass the whole ride. We went out to Derricks parents house for a campout. Lots of hills and country side. Angry rednecks, and dive bars. We eventually got there and there were 120 beers and a bunch of food waiting for us. We helped bring over a bunch of wood to the fire, and started the festivities.

It got later and roudier. We played a round of foot down around the fire, there was a few wrastlin' matches, and didgeridoo playing. Around 2am everyone got tired and crashed out. The sun rose and baked us all in our tents. I crawled out still drunk and miserable and laid in the grass. People woke up and emerged from their tents/sleeping bags. The count was 102 beers drank. We went inside and Deriicks mom made us all a big breakfast of eggs, sausage, hash browns, toast, and coffee. Yum. The ride back to town wasn't that bad excpet the heat, and hangover. Chris, Adam, Cayla and I decided to go jump off the cliffs at Mt. Simon. We jumped a few times, sat around, and headed out.

I went home to sleep for a while, and then went over to Zachers old house for a 4th of july party. A little bit of debauchery, cops showed up at 8pm on a sunny Friday,July 4th with a noise complaint. Weird. The night went on, lots of fireworks sparklers, and lighting the tarp in my backyard on fire. The next day I went out to a park in Menomine with Cory, Ash, Anna, and Oj. Big hills, really pretty views, flying nalgene bottles. Got back to EC, and rested up before going to Scotts house for a party. Stuck around till 1, got tired and went home. Woke up and volunteered at the firecracker mtn. bike race all day. Ate free food, saw really expensive bikes, got a free shirt and a watermelon. Went to Clancys with Cayla and matt. Rented movies, and fell asleep by 9pm. Thats my story and I'm sticking to it.
More important things.
Derrick got Bob Mionske to write about the Critical mass incident in EC a couple months ago.
http://www.velonews.com/article/78929Some joker wrote a rebuttal to the LT article.
http://www.leadertelegram.com/story-ros.asp?id=BH2G9KBQE1E Proving once again that the Leader is just a joke.
I'm tired and lazy today. I made a bunch of copies of my zine, it's not the best thing ever but its. free and you can get one from me.
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