I guess critical mass riders just can't catch a break anywhere. Andy just sent this new video from last months critical mass in NYC. Cops causing trouble. Whats new?
Also THursday night ride tonight. Rain or shine. 6:30 Racys.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
100th POST!
There isn't many things I've done 100 times, at least on purpose. But this is notw on that list. Also I just wanted to pass this on. North of ten BMX jam Aug. 1 Chippewa Falls. Do it.

Monday, July 28, 2008
Yesterday I parked my fixed gear in my back yard for a couple of hours while I took a nap. I came out and found it missing along with two other bikes. One was recovered a few blocks away a little later that night, but my most important bike is still missing. We ride bikes, we get it. They mean alot. I've ridden that bike hundreds of miles, gotten hit by a car, had good times, and had bad times. I miss it. Chances are it is some lousy 15 year old who is going to get a flat and throw it in the river, that makes me sad. But anyway. This is a picture of the bike. If you can help me find it I will reward you generously (or maybe just buy you a cup of coffee) Roughing up the person who took it is highly encouraged.
At the time it was stolen it also had a goofy front rack on it, and spoke cards. These are just the 2 most recent pictures I could find. The seat is torn up, and the left toe clip is held on my duck tape(I love my bike).
A bunch of other stuff has happened. TV18 showed up for critical mass, and you can find more of that news here. Thursday night ride went to the movies and it was fun. Here are a bunch of pictures. Now I need to put up flyers and fill outa police report.
Monday, July 21, 2008
According to my hit counter(which is hidden to the rest of you) a record amount of people have visited this site today.. I don't want to disapoint by not posting anything. But at the same time I don't have much to say. I rode BMX yesterday again for the first time in a couple of months, and it was really fun. This week I also drank a bottle of wine on my roof, listened to music, rode bike, hurt my knee, broke my glasses, Played with friends, got payed, got played, ate well, took a record amount of showers, talked to my familey, and a bunch of other stuff. I'm stressed out but happy, and really hungry.
And thats all there is to it. Thats life
But life is hard, and frustrating, I guess thats why there is the internet.
And thats all there is to it. Thats life
But life is hard, and frustrating, I guess thats why there is the internet.
Friday, July 18, 2008
For the most part I think that people suck. I feel like the majority of the population is only out to serve their own intrests, are shallow, lying, disingenuine self ritous ass holes who would sooner jump out of a plane than hear someone call them out on their shit. I have ahard time being thankful for some of the good times in life because I tend to think that they are fleeting and fake, and can be taken away much easier than they were brought forth. I guess that makes me a cynic. (I swear I'm not this brooding in real life) But then I realize that some people fucking rule. And no matter how shitty things can get some people are willing to help you out, listen to your problems, and be there to help pick you up after really shitty situations happen. I like these people, ALOT. I really hope that some people out there lump me in that group, but I'm also afraid that lots of people lump me in the first group I described. I guess thats only fair. Anyway, the point of all this is that a friend helped me out with a job and today I went grocery shopping for the first time in like 2 months, and sometimes it's really cool how much simple gestures or phone calls can help people out. It makes me angry that I can get so upset sometimes, and be such a cynic. I guess we all have shit to deal with.
I had a bunch of pictures from the past week or so, but my camera is being a piece of shit, so I'll just tell you what they were.
Me naked
Joe Biel and Dave Roche reading at Zinefest
photos from 2 shows, a bunch of bands
me naked
Last night I went to 2 concerts, broke one bike, found out that sometime Wednesday in a drunken stupor I crashed my bike and broke a spoke. Missed the Thurs. night ride because of forementioned broken spoke. Not much else, summer is hot. Ride your bike and go swimming. Call me and lets do fun things, because I'm bored.
I had a bunch of pictures from the past week or so, but my camera is being a piece of shit, so I'll just tell you what they were.
Me naked
Joe Biel and Dave Roche reading at Zinefest
photos from 2 shows, a bunch of bands
me naked
Last night I went to 2 concerts, broke one bike, found out that sometime Wednesday in a drunken stupor I crashed my bike and broke a spoke. Missed the Thurs. night ride because of forementioned broken spoke. Not much else, summer is hot. Ride your bike and go swimming. Call me and lets do fun things, because I'm bored.
Monday, July 14, 2008
I'm in desperate need of a room mate starting asap. 210$/month, no lease required. Nice upped 2bd apt. located downtown. It rules, and is close to the action. Get in touch with me please.
I'll post more crap later. But for now check out the surge of letters into the leader about the CM incident.
I'll post more crap later. But for now check out the surge of letters into the leader about the CM incident.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
120 exactly
More important things.
Derrick got Bob Mionske to write about the Critical mass incident in EC a couple months ago.
Some joker wrote a rebuttal to the LT article. http://www.leadertelegram.com/story-ros.asp?id=BH2G9KBQE1E Proving once again that the Leader is just a joke.
I'm tired and lazy today. I made a bunch of copies of my zine, it's not the best thing ever but its. free and you can get one from me.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Diagram A
Gosh, I can't remember everything that has happened in the past week or so. But it's been pretty interesting, I think. Chris's last Thursday night ride was really good. Derrik brought his new touring rig and we loaded it up with nearly 50 cans of beer, the sick thing is he kept up with everyone pretty easy. We rode to a bar in Chippewa that I used to spend alot of time in as a kid, drank a bunch and ate a bunch of free chips and dip sitting in the back fom some tupperware party or something earlier in the night. From there we rode to Glen Loch in Irvine Park. It was really dark, and I ran into a fence, knocking it over and spilling off my bike. We tromped through the woods, and eventually got to the dam. The sky was super clear, and the beer flowed like water. We must have spent 3 hours just chilling out looking at the sky drinking and talking. It was a really really good time. Eventually we drank everything, and decided to try to make it back to Eau Claire. We stopped in to the 19th hole where a guy with an incredible mullet tried picking a fight. Im not a fighter, but I feel like this would have been worth it just to cut his hair off when he got beat up. Someday.. Once we all got back to the trail we decided to race back to Hilltop and everyone pretty much split up and booked it to town. I think I was near dead last, but it was a really good sprint, and it was fun to watch everyone take there different routes. For some reason we ended up without shirts off in the bar, some girl threw a fit on the floor, and ended up taking a shot from her friends belly button. bar close. Thomas, Erik, Ryan , and myself went to Chris's house where they made espressos and a bunch of 4 cheese spinich tortalini with fresh baked bread. Ryan ate a can of beef raviloli. Long night that involved us playing with guns and bows and arrows. Some guys with mustaches showed up, no idea who they were. One of them looked like hitler. One had a sweet hawk mustache, and I think one might have been on meth.
I have a dozen pictures of all this, but my SD card isn't cooperating with me, and keeps making my computer crash. If you want to see them send me a SASE full of toe nail clippings, a mtchbox replica of a 67' corvette, and 13.56 in peruvian currency.
Riding home the next morning I ran into Cory leaving Maries and he gave me the best scone I have ever had in my entire life. Critical mass was like stepping on egg shells. You ould feel that everyone was paranoid that the cops were going to show up with guns blazing. All in all the ride was good, and I got to talk to some people who I havn't seen in a while. I like seeing people I know, and finding out that hings are going good with them. I'm pretty sure by the time that was done I just went home and crashed, but it's also possible I went out. You decide and make up a story of what might of happened. Sunday I went to the cities for a show and to visit friends. I saw these bands, Best Friends Forever ,The velveteens , heathers, and Ghost mice. It was a really good show and I had lots of fun. Except the part where I got hungry and wnet to some restraunt to get fries for a couple bucks, and they tasted really awful. We went back to my firends house, ate pizza, watched tv, and went to bed late. I woke up to my friends girlfriend shaking my shoulder. "David you have to get up, the building is on fire" What? Im tired, sleep. She shook me again "David I mean it the building is on fire" I sat up and heard the fire alarm going off. Shit, I must have been tired. We grabbed the cats and started heading out. The hall was full of smoke, and the fire extinguishers layed on the ground. Damnit, I Wish I could have sprayed those. We stood outside half expecting to see the building explode in flames. Nothing happened, 4 fire trucks showed up and cleared the building. I helped bring the cats in tried to figure out what happened and left. I called my friend hallie and went to her house. We walked around uptown talking about what was going on in our lives. We sa a bird caught in a window,and ate ice cream. I saw a million really nice bikes that I wish I had. We got bored and decided to go swimming at her aunts pool. We were both hungry so we went to the grocery store and bought some bagels and fruit. Went to the pool, and played in it for a long time and sat around eating and talking. I decided to head to the Couch tour to wait to see alkaline trio.(In my defence listen to Goddamnit by alkaline trio and it wil change your opinion on them. Also I liked the for along time so that makes me, like, more legit. I guess.) Anyway i stood around and waited the band. Watched them, got really tired and decided to go home early instead of waiting around in the cities for another couple days.
And none of that is releveant to bikes or Eau Claire in anyway.
I got back, and decided to spend a few days at my dads house. We ate a bunch of pasta salad, played cribbage, and worked on cars. A big snake got in the house and we chased it around the kitchen with brooms untill I realized that we were two full grown men chasing a snake around (more like running from it) with brooms. I put on an oven mit picked it up and threw it in a paper bag and threw it outside. I am man.
I got back to Eau Claire and went to the Joynt with my sister around 7(?) I decided I was just going to stay there all night so i did. All kinds of good people came in and it was a good night. Today Im more hung over than I should be. Tonight is the Thursday night ride out to Derriks moms house, supposedly there will be fire, and probobly mayhem.
I still need a job, but don't want one.
The Leader Telegram published an article on the Critical mass debaucle. Read it here
I've been working on a zine for a long time (like 4 years) It will be done in the next week or two in time for the minneapolis zinefest When its all done you can get a copy from me for free.
Thats all for now. Go to the Thursday night ride or else.
O yea, I almost forgot. Dec.24 Im leaving for Peru. I will be in South America untill the end of January. Im going to be visiting my sister and living on the cheap. Now I just need to hope they give me my passport...
I have a dozen pictures of all this, but my SD card isn't cooperating with me, and keeps making my computer crash. If you want to see them send me a SASE full of toe nail clippings, a mtchbox replica of a 67' corvette, and 13.56 in peruvian currency.
Riding home the next morning I ran into Cory leaving Maries and he gave me the best scone I have ever had in my entire life. Critical mass was like stepping on egg shells. You ould feel that everyone was paranoid that the cops were going to show up with guns blazing. All in all the ride was good, and I got to talk to some people who I havn't seen in a while. I like seeing people I know, and finding out that hings are going good with them. I'm pretty sure by the time that was done I just went home and crashed, but it's also possible I went out. You decide and make up a story of what might of happened. Sunday I went to the cities for a show and to visit friends. I saw these bands, Best Friends Forever ,The velveteens , heathers, and Ghost mice. It was a really good show and I had lots of fun. Except the part where I got hungry and wnet to some restraunt to get fries for a couple bucks, and they tasted really awful. We went back to my firends house, ate pizza, watched tv, and went to bed late. I woke up to my friends girlfriend shaking my shoulder. "David you have to get up, the building is on fire" What? Im tired, sleep. She shook me again "David I mean it the building is on fire" I sat up and heard the fire alarm going off. Shit, I must have been tired. We grabbed the cats and started heading out. The hall was full of smoke, and the fire extinguishers layed on the ground. Damnit, I Wish I could have sprayed those. We stood outside half expecting to see the building explode in flames. Nothing happened, 4 fire trucks showed up and cleared the building. I helped bring the cats in tried to figure out what happened and left. I called my friend hallie and went to her house. We walked around uptown talking about what was going on in our lives. We sa a bird caught in a window,and ate ice cream. I saw a million really nice bikes that I wish I had. We got bored and decided to go swimming at her aunts pool. We were both hungry so we went to the grocery store and bought some bagels and fruit. Went to the pool, and played in it for a long time and sat around eating and talking. I decided to head to the Couch tour to wait to see alkaline trio.(In my defence listen to Goddamnit by alkaline trio and it wil change your opinion on them. Also I liked the for along time so that makes me, like, more legit. I guess.) Anyway i stood around and waited the band. Watched them, got really tired and decided to go home early instead of waiting around in the cities for another couple days.
And none of that is releveant to bikes or Eau Claire in anyway.
I got back, and decided to spend a few days at my dads house. We ate a bunch of pasta salad, played cribbage, and worked on cars. A big snake got in the house and we chased it around the kitchen with brooms untill I realized that we were two full grown men chasing a snake around (more like running from it) with brooms. I put on an oven mit picked it up and threw it in a paper bag and threw it outside. I am man.
I got back to Eau Claire and went to the Joynt with my sister around 7(?) I decided I was just going to stay there all night so i did. All kinds of good people came in and it was a good night. Today Im more hung over than I should be. Tonight is the Thursday night ride out to Derriks moms house, supposedly there will be fire, and probobly mayhem.
I still need a job, but don't want one.
The Leader Telegram published an article on the Critical mass debaucle. Read it here
I've been working on a zine for a long time (like 4 years) It will be done in the next week or two in time for the minneapolis zinefest When its all done you can get a copy from me for free.
Thats all for now. Go to the Thursday night ride or else.
O yea, I almost forgot. Dec.24 Im leaving for Peru. I will be in South America untill the end of January. Im going to be visiting my sister and living on the cheap. Now I just need to hope they give me my passport...
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