Saturday, May 24, 2008

No one gets out alive

I dont know what I would have done if he died. I can't help but wonder if kharma exists why do bad things happen to good people. It's a long fucked up story, and makes me wonder how close it is possible to come to a total wreck and still walk away. The abridged vesrion is this. I couldnt handle alot of the drama going on around me in eacu Claire so I visited my dad for a few days in Cadott. The first night I met up with some old friends from high school and realized how little we had in common. I can't help but wonder what they think of me. Now they still live in Cornell and one is married the other still goes to high school parties, and thinks burnouts are THE COOLEST. I guess its wierd that if we met today we would probobly never be friends, but growing up together built a certain repotoire with eachother that carried through our differences. Levaing Cornell of all palces I saw the bike pictured above. Shock! Upon investigation I was let down however because I noticed that the forks are just filled with body putty and not actually welded, resulting in a pretty flimsy assembly that wouldnt actually work. The next day my dad took off for a motorcycle ride to Eau Claire. About 10 minuites later I got a phone call from him saying he was just in an accident and needed me to pick him up. In a fucked up frenzy I got in the car and gunned it down to where he crashed and picked him up. Fortunetly there was no severed limbs or bones sticking out, but seeing him crounched wincing in pain made me realize somethign was wrong. I got him home and calledthe hospital in Chippewa and we headed out. While they were looking at him I went outside to make a phone call to tell my sister what had happened. In the middle of the call a nurse came out and told me that he had just fainted and needed to be rushed to the ER. Shit shit shit shit, what am I suppose to think or say or do about that? Shit. By the time we got to his room he was ok. it turns out that my familey is just really wimpy, and he passed out from pain. It's awesome when doctors don't tell you whats going on so you freak yourself out and think that your dad just died. The doctors finally told us that he had just broken his arm and cracked a few ribs. I drove hime to the pharmacy and we got his meds and went home. The big shock was going home and looking at the deep scratches and cracks in his helmet, realizing that if he hadn't had it on he might have been dead. Even helping him in and out of the car was a really fucked up reminder of how fast things you take fro granted can be taken away from you. I guess that's enough whiny stuff for now. Theother day I got back to EC and decided that I was to leave early for my trip and hopefully make it to Canada by early July. All of my gear is ready and so am I, the only problem is my bike is not. The derailers, and brake are being a pain in the ass, and to flipped crank setup is leading to a headache just trying to get pedals to stay where they are suppose to. On the way to use a computer the pedal fell out and crank stripped out, I just need to get this shit together so I can hit the road soon. I just checked my bank account and I'm realizing how sxcrewed Im going to be once I get back and dont have a job and am baisically unable to pay rent. Whatever, I guess right now all I can concern myself with really is getting out there and hopefully haviong a good trip, and not turning back. Not a whole lot else going on other than that. In other bike news some duded from EC are biking out to Seattle in a couple days, acctually I just noticed they are heading out the day before me. I guess its that time of year. I'll p[ost at least one more time before leaving and try to keep shit updated while away. But right now I've got a tall bike to walk home and cranks to pull.

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