Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Not enough keys

I know I've been lazy as fuck, but deal with it. The other night I went for a nice ride after work instead of going to sleep. Critical mass is friday and Saturday I'm planning on going to Ska Fest to try to make a buck selling my old cds and records. The flyers for ECBFF are done and will be getting out tonight, as well as a website update featuring showtimes and stuff. I'm still desperatly trying to find somewhere to live when my lease runs out in a month. Thus my punishment for signing a lease in May.

Sunday I built two tall bikes for other people and of course when I got to Eau Claire mine broke. So this Saterday I am going to beging building my touring tall bike for my trip in June. Sunday I also went out to breakfast with alot of my familey. It was really strange to see everyone again. I can't help but think how strange it is that I'm related to these people, and I'm the next step in the contiuim of what is my familey. It's really kind of depressing and I can only hope I don't turn out to be the drug addict turned vacuum cleaner salesman who can't shut up about "the end of days". Speaking of familey, my grandma was recently featured in the Leader Telegram talking about my family history.

It's probobly not a good idea for me to say this, but it looks like shit is finally looking up. Yesterday I rode bike all day and it felt really really good. It was cool to see all the people pulling out their bikes and jogging and walking again. I finally met up with Anna and we got some pizza and I rode across the street to Dooleys for a quick beer with Thomas, sam and Ben? before heading home for the night. I was so happy to be able to ride down the streets without a jacket on. It's amazing that we are willing to go through the punishment of winter, but seeing everything in the spring is also a really cool reward.

I know this has been text heavy and doesn't really pretain to bikes, but who cares really? Anyway heres to spring. GO RIDE BIKES!

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