Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Not enough keys
Sunday I built two tall bikes for other people and of course when I got to Eau Claire mine broke. So this Saterday I am going to beging building my touring tall bike for my trip in June. Sunday I also went out to breakfast with alot of my familey. It was really strange to see everyone again. I can't help but think how strange it is that I'm related to these people, and I'm the next step in the contiuim of what is my familey. It's really kind of depressing and I can only hope I don't turn out to be the drug addict turned vacuum cleaner salesman who can't shut up about "the end of days". Speaking of familey, my grandma was recently featured in the Leader Telegram talking about my family history.
It's probobly not a good idea for me to say this, but it looks like shit is finally looking up. Yesterday I rode bike all day and it felt really really good. It was cool to see all the people pulling out their bikes and jogging and walking again. I finally met up with Anna and we got some pizza and I rode across the street to Dooleys for a quick beer with Thomas, sam and Ben? before heading home for the night. I was so happy to be able to ride down the streets without a jacket on. It's amazing that we are willing to go through the punishment of winter, but seeing everything in the spring is also a really cool reward.
I know this has been text heavy and doesn't really pretain to bikes, but who cares really? Anyway heres to spring. GO RIDE BIKES!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
The bicycle is a wonderful invention
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
The next day was kind of a blur. I vaguley remeber alot of what happend in the afternoon. What I do know is that we woke up at 11 and started drinking. Eventually we all got outside and stood around in the alley for 45 minuites before riding down to the southside for a cook out. It was a really cool ride, except the fact that riding a haggard freak bike across Chicago hurts you in places you didn't know you had. When we got to Rachels for the cook out a few of us headed over to the nearest grocery store to pick up some boca burgers. About half an hour into the cook out the temeperature started to drop, and the wind started to pick up. A pre-cursor to the cold that was to follow. Eventually I went inside and tried to nap on the couch for a while when whiplash began. Whiplash invloves taking a long piece of tied bike tubes, tying it to two people on pixie bikes, and riding at each other as fast as possible trying to pull the other person off of their bike. We got a few runs in before the tube rope broke and we all gave up.
With the whiplash broke the next stop was back north to do some chariot races. When we arived we threw all the bikes in a pile to race around. Before the races there was a slow tall bike race, which I lost after someone toppled over on top of me within 45seconds of the start. Chariot races started and someone ended up breaking their shoulder or something, at least thats what I heard. The cops showed up and decided that they were going to be nice and instead of busting half the people there for having illicit substances they would ride the charriot instead. Sometimes I'm really happy with cops. After chariot races we went somwhere, Im ot sure where or what happened. When we got there a few of us went to the store to warm up and eat some food. Unfortunetly I guess some other not so friendly cops showed up while we were gone and split eveyone up with night sticks pulled and threatened one of the Nashville folk.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
blah blah vlah
Look at this.
Monday, March 10, 2008
The future or the end
Derrik sent me a link thats pretty relevant to cyclists rights on the road in Wisconsin.
The Setup:
The arguments:
The second article in particular provides alot of good legal reinforcment for critical mass, and riding in the street in general for incidents when confronted by police.
I also set up a rudimentry page for the Bike Film fest, that should now be the headquarters for all things ECBFF. Flyers should be getting made soon. Spread the word.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Saturday, March 1, 2008
In the belly of a whale.
I can't help but think that things are going to be exciting this summer. The bike scene feels like it's coalescing so much, and so many different events are being planned. I'm thinking there should be a pot-luck or a bbq some time in the next couple months. I suppose I should focus my attention on other stuff though, like finding somewhere to live in a couple months. Yesterday I dropped around $100 on movies for the Bike Film Fest. The final lineup is as follows. In no particular order yet.
April 12, 9am-9pm. UWEC@Phillips Hall 117, FREE because I love you
Joe Kid on a Stingray-
Red Light Go-
Still We Ride-
+ I'm taking submissions from any local people who want to submit something probobly 10min. or under is garanteed to be shown.
The times and other stuff is yet to be determined, and shorts will probobly be played between movies, or at least music will be played. Right now I'm storngly encouraging showing up early and hanging out all day and riding bikes all day. We might be able to set up some events, and I'm thinking about having an afterparty at my place. I'm really excited and it sould be a good time, so everyone mark the date on your calenders and show up. I'm probobly going to need at least a couple other people willing to hang around the whole time and work the equipment and help out with shit, so if your intrested contact me.
There will probobly be a bike build day and arts and crafts night coming up. Tentativey next Wed. This is a chance to build a bike if you have ever wanted to build a tall bike or any thing else, and work on colors and other stuff for St. Ratricks day which is coming up fast. It's suppose to be warm the next couple days, go ride your bike.
Two Blood Money references in two days....